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The fuck? I apologized to her. I. Apologized. To her. I’ve never asked anything of anyone before. I’ve always preferred to carve my way forward on my own merit, without anyone else’s help… and I had requested she stay and have a drink with me.

I see the surprise reflected in her eyes. She searches my features, hesitates. I’m sure she’s going to refuse, when she finally says, "One. I’ll stay for one drink."

My lips kick up.That’s what you think.

"On one condition," she murmurs.

My smile fades. No one negotiates with me… Well, except for maybe Michael or Nikolai, the head of the Bratva. Add to that, Sinclair Sterling, the CEO of 7A Investments. He’s going to be a tough partner, that one. But I’m sure I’m going to relish the challenge he poses. Other than that, no one has dared to lay down stipulations with me… until her.

When I don’t reply, she chuckles. "Don’t worry, it’s nothing major. All I ask is that you call me by my name."

"If you stay for three drinks."


"Done." On cue, Craig materializes at my elbow with a tray of drinks. I snatch up a glass of champagne and offer it to her, then one to Elsa. Seb takes a glass of whiskey, as do I.

"What are we drinking to?" Lena tips up her chin.

"To… new alliances," I say without taking my gaze off of her face.

"To my new job," she counters.

I laugh. "Stubborn, aren’t you?"

"No more than you."

Seb clinks his glass with mine. "Thank you for hosting this gathering. We’re going to finish this drink and leave."

Elsa takes a sip of her champagne. "I needed that."

"Mama." Her daughter reaches for the champagne, but Elsa holds it out of her reach.

"Uh-oh, that’s not for you, Avery. Not yet, at least," she laughs.

"Mama." Avery pouts.

"Do you want something to drink?" Elsa asks.

When Avery nods, Seb ruffles her hair. "I’ll get you some juice, but you’re not having anything more after that or you won’t be able to sleep." Seb turns to leave. Lena sinks down on the cushion next to Avery. She pets the cat, which arches into her touch.

"How long have the two of you been married?" Lena asks.

"Not long," Elsa laughs. "It was love at first sight between Seb and Avery, though."

"Eb." Avery nods enthusiastically. "Eb."

"Yes, baby, Seb’s getting you your drink." Elsa pats the little girl’s cheek.

Lena frowns. "Love at first sight? You mean—"

"Yeah. He’s not her blood father, but he’s done more for her than her real father every did. He’s her father in every way, really." She bends and kisses her daughter’s cheek. "We were lost and then Seb came along. I wouldn’t say he rescued us. That’s doing Seb, and us, a disservice. It’s more like" —she glances between me and Lena— "like all three of us got a new lease on life. We found each other, you know? We fit, and that was it. There was never any question that we fit together, though I admit I resisted it. All the way to the bitter end. But Seb was persistent. He saw our future so clearly. He was so confident we were a family, right from the beginning. I don’t know why I fought it so much now." Her smile widens and she glances back at me. "Know what I mean?"

I frown, then turn my gaze to Lena, who’s staring up at me. Her golden-brown eyes seem like they are on fire. The space between us seems full of unsaid things. Forbidden things. Things I dare not name. Things that will haunt me even though I will not acknowledge them. Lena’s lips part. I squeeze my fingers around my glass.

Tags: L. Steele Arranged Marriage Erotic