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"How many enemies do you have?"

"I am in a position of power, where sometimes even a friend can turn out to be a foe," I murmur.

"That was almost poetic," she murmurs, then blinks. "I’m sorry I spoiled your clothes."

I’m not sorry I got to see your tits."For the purposes of decorum, I suggest you wander around dressed a little more appropriately."

Her gaze widens. Her features flush further. "I’m dressed appropriately enough." She scowls.

"Not going to debate this with you. My house, my rules. I’d prefer you be fully clothed next time the urge to have a midnight feast strikes you."

She stiffens. "Do you always sound like you’re reading from a Victorian text?"

"Do you always sound like you have a problem with authority?" I snap.

She raises her shoulders, then lowers them. "I’m sorry. It’s been a lot to take in. And seeing you with a gun completely took me by surprise." She yawns, then claps a hand to her mouth. "So sorry."

"Stop apologizing, it’s bloody annoying. Also, let me not keep you from your bed," I say through gritted teeth.

"Oh, but the mess." She glances around her. "I need to clean this up." She begins to lower to her haunches. The wet T-shirt pulls tighter across her tits. Her shorts hitch up those thick, gorgeous thighs. My cock twinges instantly. Fuck, I need to get her out of here and take care of this urge.

"Just go to bed." I grab her arm and haul her to her feet. A sizzle of electricity seems to shoot out from the point of contact. A wave of emotion slams into my chest.

She gasps, her eyes so wide they seem to fill her face.

What the—? What was that?I drop her arm and take a step back. "Leave." I jerk my chin toward the entrance.

She heads for the doorway, then stops. "Just so you’re aware—" she glances at me over her shoulder "—the name’s Lena."

She waits a second as if waiting for me to introduce myself. When I glare at her, she huffs, then pivots on her feet and flounces away.

Don’t look at it, don’t.I track her lush curved behind as it twitches and swings as she sashays out the door. I draw in a deep breath, then another.What the hell just happened?

I pull out my phone and shoot Craig a message, knowing he’ll take care of it right away. Then, I walk around the spilled mess on the floor and out the door. Thankfully, the girl is no longer in sight. Hopefully, that means she’s back in her room and in bed.

I head up the steps, past the second floor where Isaac and his girlfriend are staying, and to the third floor toward the double doors that lead to my room. The doors swing shut behind me and I walk directly toward the bathroom. Stepping inside, I peel off my jacket, my shirt, toe off my shoes and my socks, then along with my pants and boxers, I dump my clothes into the laundry basket. I walk directly to the shower, flick it on, and step under the warm spray. I slap my palms against the wall of the shower and glance down at my angry cock jutting up between my legs. My fingers tingle to squeeze myself from base to head, but I resist.She’s your son’s girlfriend. Younger than your daughter.That’s a new low, even for me.

I’ve been attracted to women and bedded them at will. Most throw themselves at me wherever I go. The position of power I hold, and the fact that I’m still attractive—only stating a fact—is a combination most can’t resist. Still, I pride myself on sleeping with women closer to my age. I’m not one of those men nearing fifty who acquire eye-candy in the quest to rejuvenate their mojo. I’m still virile. I have no trouble keeping pace with women half my age, which makes them twenty-four years old. She has to be younger, considering my son is only twenty-three.

Fuck, this… is crazy. I can’t possibly be entertaining these thoughts. It’s probably because I haven’t been with a woman in the last month. A combination of work, and then being called on by Massimo Sovrano to help him track down his kidnapped wife, has kept me busy. Still, I delivered, didn’t I? I helped him find his wife, and in return, I earned their loyalty. Now, they’re my partners, ready to invest in my business and partner in my latest venture, an exclusive gentlemen’s club designed as a meeting ground for the most influential, most powerful, and those who are exceptional. Membership is based not only on how much money you have, but on what value you have contributed to the world.

Ambitious, maybe? Idealistic, definitely. Clearly, I’m getting old if, for the first time, I'm putting my ideals before money. But it seems after building an empire, then legalizing the more illicit companies into tax-paying entities, and making enough money to benefit not only my heirs but their heirs, assuming either of them ever have children, I need a different kind of rush. Mental stimulation. An impulse to give to those who most deserve it. Oh, I still want to make money, don’t get me wrong, but I want the payoff to be more than monetary. Exactly what that is, I’m still trying to define, but the club is the first step forward in that direction.

I thought I’d found a way to fulfill the ache that’s lodged in my gut in the past year, but meeting her, and that reaction to her, seems to indicate otherwise. I need more… excitement, I need to feel more motivated. Maybe I need a bigger challenge. Perhaps I’ll pursue the takeover in LA I’ve been putting off for so long? Yes, that’s it. But first… I need to take care of something more urgent. I drop down on the bench in the shower, spread my legs, and grab my cock.



I’d come back to the room I shared with Isaac to find him busy with his phone. I tried to tell him about what happened with JJ but when he seemed to be more intent on his screen than me, I gave up. More resigned than upset, I walked into the bathroom.

Now I yank off my soiled sleeping shirt and my sleep shorts, and dump them in the laundry basket.

Maybe I should have pulled on a sweatshirt before I traipsed down to the kitchen, but I hadn’t expected to run into anyone. In my defense, this is what I wear to bed every night, and it covers more than what a bikini would. So why did he go all extra grumpy on me? Might have been something to do with my spilling the pudding on his jacket. I shouldn’t have gone for that and the ice-cream. But I had been starving, and the food had looked so enticing. Also, I’d been sure he wouldn’t mind my helping myself to it.

I mean, the man has money oozing out of his pores… His very manly pores, I might add. He felt all hard and massive and so solid under my palms. His chest was broad enough that I felt surrounded by his bulk. His stomach was flat, and between his legs… Yeah, the size of what he was packing in his pants is now imprinted on my flesh. The man’s an XXL in every which way. His son is pretty well-endowed, but I’ll wager his father is… Well, in more ways than one. And he was aroused, all right.

He noticed the state of my undress and registered my nearness, and those dark eyes of his lightened to an indigo—an intense shade of blue I swear I’ve never seen before. His eyes aren’t as dark as I originally thought, apparently.

Tags: L. Steele Arranged Marriage Erotic