Page 12 of Pain and Possession

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At least until he opens the door.

I just stay like that for a moment physically and mentally exhausted, willing my body not to melt entirely into the comfortable heated seat. This is probably the last time I'll be around luxuries like this.My eyes trail back down to his neck, a tattoo of what looks like a family crest adorns the side of it. His Adam's apple bobs as he swallows, "You are the most vexing woman I have ever met." The husky note to his voice makes heat race to my core.

He genuinely thinks I'm beautiful?

I ignore his comment sliding from the sports car that sits annoyingly low to the ground, dread pooling deep in my belly. He enters the same way we left last night. Bypassing several men and women all whom lower their heads at the sight of him. When he suddenly halts his long strides, it catches me off guard making me slam into his back.

"Fuck." I mutter as he dips into a dark room. I flinch when he quickly emerges, draping a jacket around my shoulders. It's not chilly in here. I'm actually kind of hot, I'll pretend that has nothing to do with the ghost of his touch on my skin. I go to shrug off the jacket but the look he gives me stops me dead in my tracts. He's built brick by brick held together by malice and venom. I look down, my heart in a permanent state of beating uncomfortably fast as I catch sight ofwhyhe gave me the jacket. My ginger-colored nipples poke taunt underneath his white t-shirt, the part of me that doesn't care what happens next, that part of me wants to shrug off the jacket anyway. To push his limits but I won't.

I'm scared of Noè andI like being afraid.

He turns away from me without another word and continues down the dark narrow hall into a small kitchen. Noè steps to the side, his hand on my lower back as we enter. A sweet savory smell makes my mouth water as I catch sight of Hock flipping pancakes and sausage on a flattop.

"Hey girlie, never thought I'd see you again. Glad I was wrong." He says, giving me a wink before something flies past my head, striking him dead in the face.

"Fucking hell!" Hock mutters rubbing his red cheek as the wooden spoon clatters to the ground.

I whirl around to face Noè who looks equal parts amused and vexed, "Next time, it'll be a knife. Where is Nona? Olive hasn't had any breakfast."

"At the compound, there was a call for the heads to meet tonight at dinner. You know how she gets about last minute banquets."

I just stand there getting more and more annoyed by the second, I don't care about any of this shit. I just want to get my phone and leave.Noè curses under his breath, running his hands down his face. I take his distraction and run with it as I push past him exiting the kitchen, ignoring it when his angry footsteps pound behind me.

I just want my phone.

Conversation in the bar stops immediately when I enter making a beeline for the dated system where I left my phone, naturally it's not there.

"Have a seat, Hock will make you breakfast." Noè demands as I turn to him channeling every bit of bravery and anger I have into this moment.

"Fuck your breakfast, give me my shit!" I yell admittedly bit louder than I meant to. My stomach drops as the men formally sitting shift to an abrupt stand, Noè's jaw clamps down hard. The grinding of his teeth nearly audible.

I fucked up.

"Out!" He growls, as he steps forward gripping my upper arm so hard I cry out against his hold. Everyone in the room quickly leaves, abandoning me with a very pissed off monster.He drags me to the bar as I desperately try to wiggle free of his hold, in any other circumstance I might have laughed at my pitiful attempts.

"I warned you Olive."

I've never been very strong, never could hold up in a fight when I was on the streets.

That's why I made sure I was fast.

I dig my feet down as hard as I can against the concrete forcing all my bodyweight in the opposite direction. The action jerks my arm making pain radiate through my shoulder, but it worked. He stops, turning to me to adjust his hold. I can't afford for him to get a better grip. I quickly lift my other hand and send my fist into the side of his face as hard as I can, which isn't very hard. Not only is it not my dominant hand but again I am basically a limp noodle raging against an oak tree.He lets me go, not hurt much to my annoyance, just surprised. I am too, faltering just long enough to watch his scowl turn into a heated smirk. One I got to know very well last night.

He likes the pain.

A strange startled noise leaves my mouth as I turn to run towards the door. I don't get very far before I'm falling forward crashing into the concrete, Noè on me in the blink of an eye. I try to scream but nothing will come out, tears fill my eyes as I pant my breath coming out uneven.

"Don't ever speak to me like that in front of them again." He growls before slamming his lips into mine so hard my head knocks back against the concrete. The pain is short-lived as he forces my legs apart, I try to shuffle away, to speak against his lips, but I can't. There's nothing I can do; he has full control of me.

Every inch of me.

I feel my tears run, bursting free from my eyes as he presses his throbbing erection into my bare core, "You feel what that did to me Olive?"

"Please, Noè just let me go." I whimper. He chuckles pressing his lips into my neck, "That was never an option doll."

Fear courses through me forcing things I've tried hard to forget into my mind, my body trying to wither underneath him. I inhale hard, the smell of breakfast, amber wood and bergamot reminding me there's no steam. No shower. When my eyes snap open, I've traded one monster for another. I shove at him best I can as a strange heat builds in my gut as he bends down sucking and nipping at my neck.The memories of last night taking the edge off his assault.

Why is my body doing this? I don't want this.

Tags: Callie Moss Romance