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The conversation flows easily, if I’m honest with myself, it’s been a nice evening. Great food, good conversation and a handsome man. Whose eyes at the moment roam from my neck to my cleavage. I gulp down the last of my soda and grab the wrappers to throw away. Hunter follows.

I sashay to the trashcan next to the truck and Jax steps out the back door. “Thanks for stopping by, I’m calling it quits for tonight. We still on for next Saturday?” he asks Hunter. They do some bro hug and fist bump thing.

I embrace him in a hug and his arms wrap around me, “Thanks for giving it to me...your sausage, I mean.” His howl echoes out over the picnic area, “You’re a live one!” he growls out and then barks. Animal.

“Enough Jax, hands off, she’s mine. I’m not sharing this one.” Hunter steps between us and hangs his arm over my shoulder. Possessive much, and what does he mean he’s not sharingthisone? Hmm.

“Good night Jax, sweet dreams,” I flirt a little more to press Hunter’s buttons. He turns us towards the car and places his hand on my ass. “Going with it, I see.” The giggle escapes before I can settle it down and he slaps my backside. I yelp and dash forward to yank the door open and climb in.

Chapter Six

“Even though this wasn’t a real date, it’s the best time I’ve had in a long time.” He starts the car and grabs the steering wheel. “I always knew I was a good time.” I smile back. He laughs and I think for the first time I see the real Hunter not the movie star.

On the way home I receive a text from Jessie, he's held up and can’t come by until first thing in the morning. This works out perfect for me because I’m tired anyway.

Once we return to the townhouse he parks inside the garage. I sweep the rooms and change into my shorts and tank top. Hunter went up in his room, said he had a call to make. I sit in front of the large window and watch the wave’s crash along the sand. My body starts to relax and my head rests against the arm of the sofa, mesmerized I drift off.


The ride home was quiet, I can’t keep my eyes off her and this could be a problem. She checks the house and says everything is fine. I follow her up the stairs and my eyes focus on the sway of her hips.

God, she’s killing me. In my room I pull out my phone and call Warren, “This could be a problem,” he sighs into the phone and starts his speech. He’s more of a father than my own. After listening to him ramble for fifteen minutes on how it’s better to have protection than not, I cut him off. “Warren, listen, I’m okay with her being here.” He goes silent.

“I like her. She’s smart, sassy, feisty as hell and...she treats me like a person, not like a movie star. No-one has ever done that before.” He clears his throat. “Yeah, Warren I think it’s time I grow up.”

We talk for an hour or so. But not wanting to hear his lecture about getting involved with anyone. And how it will ruin my career, and now is not the time. Especially since I’m going on sabbatical. Screw him. I can’t deal with him, so I hang up.

I change into my sweats and go down for a drink. Danica’s lying on the couch fast asleep. The short pajama shorts ride up her thigh. A tight fitting tank top holds her breast together and the wavy dark hair frames her porcelain face. Even in her sleep she’s beautiful.


The cushion dips and the scent of Hunter’s aftershave filters around me. A gentle touch down my cheek to my neck and my pulse quickens. I keep my eyes closed to see how far he’ll go.

“You can’t be real, it’s just another screenplay I’m rehearsing.” He places a gentle kiss on my cheek. “Of all the women in all the world, how did a kick ass cop show up exactly when I need her.” His whisper so subtle I could barely hear it. But I do. His fingers push the few strands of hair from my face and I pretend to stir awake.

I look into his beautiful emeralds, he looks sincere, and nervous at the same time. “Hey, what’s up?” The room is dim, the soft light comes from the hallway.

“It’s late, why don’t we go to bed.” He stands and holds out his hand. I follow his lead and climb the stairs. When we stop in front of our rooms, I pull my hand from his. “Night,” I say and reach for the handle of my door, only to my surprise I’m spun around and pinned against it.

His eyes meet mine and my insides ignite. I can see the lust consume him and my blood boils with need. The nerve endings come to life and cause my core to quake. His lips descend and he devours me in one swift move.

My fingers run up his back and into his hair, I want him. But this is all wrong, I’m working. With a yank his head falls back and I spin him around like a suspect. With a push I pin him against his door and yank his wrist up his back.

“Fuck Danica…” He says breathless. I hold him still and run my tongue over his bare shoulder up his neck to his ear. I need to taste him. His eyes close and I nibble down over his collarbone and then bite.

He hisses. “Is this a big enough challenge? Is this exciting? Remember, you are the dare,” I mock his words and I step back. “This is my job,” I can’t confuse personal with professional. My hand releases his arm and I back up into my room. With the door closed behind me I lock it.

Holy, mother of god, I want him so bad my legs are trembling. Thank goodness my brain woke up. I could lose my job, and after I received the promotion, it wouldn't look good. I can't disappoint Uncle Lenny. Maybe when it’s over, but for now I can’t do anything to fuck it up.

“You’re good Danica, but you’ll lose. You and I both know it. I always get what I want.” Echoes through the hollow door. In less than three seconds I go from horney as hell to angry and bitter. I’m nothing but a challenge for him.

It’s all part ofhisgame? Damn him. But then I recall the words he spoke downstairs. When he thought I was asleep, or did he know I was awake? Could I be in lust over a man who thinks women are something to conquer? Fuck him.

Frustrated I storm into the adjoining bathroom slam his door and brush my teeth. Once done I hop into bed and stare up at the ceiling unable to sleep. Sexually frustrated, I toss and turn most of the night.

Chapter Seven

The next few days go by with no incidents, subtle glances and light touches as we pass each other. But I’ve tried to keep my distance. As for Hunter, I think he’s giving me the cold shoulder. This is fine, but boring. I walk down the hall. He exits the kitchen and bumps into me, if I didn’t know any better I’d think it was on purpose.

Tags: Elaine Marie Erotic