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I’m not family, they’re not going to let me in. I take my cell from my inside jacket pocket and text Warren. About five minutes pass but it feels like hours. Mark and Chief Belmont stand in the center of the waiting room demanding answers. After the nurse speaks with them for a few minutes they walk over to where I sit. As they approach I stand hoping to get some information.

Chief Belmont steps up close, toe to toe. “Not only am I the Chief, her boss, but that woman in their fighting for her life is my only niece. I promised to protect her at all cost when her father passed away. If I find out you had anything to do with this I will make it my personal mission to bring you down.” I step back, confused. Mark has a look to kill.

What the fuck is going on. What are they not telling me?

“We were going to the premiere, I would never hurt her. I love her.” I plead for them to understand and tell me what’s going on. “Please, they won’t tell me anything, what did the nurse say, will she be okay?” Mark begins pacing near the vending machine.

Chief Belmont keeps his eyes on mine. “Do you love her?” I stand tall and admit, “With all my heart. I never knew you could love someone so much.” I tear up knowing I may have lost the chance to tell her just how much I love her. I need to see her to tell her how I feel. I need her to be okay.

We were only getting started. We have so much to look forward to. A house of our own. A honeymoon, a swing set with little pitter-patter footsteps chasing down the hallway. I want to see her in a beautiful white gown walking down the aisle and saying I do. I pull the velvet box from my pants pocket. “This is how much I love her.” I hold the box up and the Chief pulls me into a hug. The tears escape and I let them.

Lenny sits us down and tells me they found poison in Danica’s system. I think to everything we did today, was it something she ate while out shopping. Is there something in our home? Mark questions and I answer. He pulls his phone from his pocket and calls someone giving our address. When I hear the door swoosh open, Warren enters.

The look on his face has me worried. He’s scared and frantic. In five quick steps I’m face to face with him. Then it clicks. He knows I don’t drink before a premiere. Why would he drop off champagne, I thought it was to get in Danica’s good graces. I thought he finally accepted I was moving on from the movie world and going to devote my time to her and a family.

“What have you done?” I say in a monstrous roar. His eyes open wide and it’s enough to confirm my suspicion. My blood boils and my hand roll into fist, I go to take a swing and I’m held back. Mark takes my arm and puts me off balance.

“What’s going on?” I yank my arm from his grasp and turn to Lenny. “Have them check the champagne bottle and glasses. Warren was kind enough to deliver them this afternoon.”

Mark grabs Warren by the throat and pins him to the wall. Another officer enters and places him in hand-cuffs, reading him his rights. Lenny gets on the phone and barks out some orders. A nurse bursts through the door. “Ms. Leroux’s family?” We all stop and stare. My legs weaken as Lenny steps up closer. His head drops to the floor and my heart plummets. No, no she’s not. She can’t be.

Another nurse appears. She grabs the first one and tells her to return to the room and Lenny follows, my feet won’t move. I’m frozen, until I hear Warren’s voice. “She was going to ruin you, I did this for you. You’ll be nothing with her.” Rage takes over and I lunge at him taking him to the ground. As Mark tries to pull me off, I pound on the man I once thought of as a father.

“With her I am everything. With her I am me.” I’m yanked away by security and I sit on the floor, hopeless, as the police escort Warren away.

Chapter Twenty-One

It’s been three days and Danica has not opened her eyes. Twice her machines have gone off and they came and took care of her. Thanks to Lenny I’m on the visitor’s list as her fiancé. I just hope I have the chance to ask her. Vitals seem to be getting stronger but I refuse to leave. I have food delivered but haven't eaten anything. Without her I’m nothing.

I’ve never felt so alone than I do now as I watch the monitors. I wrap her delicate hand in mine. “Sweetness, I need you to come back to me.” I repeat over and over praying she’ll hear me one of these times. After a while, I begin to tell her all the things I have planned for our future.


What in the fucking world is that constant beeping sound and why does it smell like disinfectant. Gross. The warmth of his touch in my hand brings me to the here and now. My eyelids so heavy, I try to open them, but struggle. “And if you agree to be my wife, I promise to love you forever. You can bet on it, and when we’re ready we can maybe put a bun in the oven…” he pats my stomach and I let the thoughts fill my head.

“I’ll build a swing set with my own two hands, okay maybe we’ll buy a swing set. But I can put rope around a tire to swing on.” He chuckles. “Danica, I’d love to see those beautiful brown eyes right now…” I fight the struggle as I listen.

“Come on sweetness, when have you ever given up on a challenge.” He wipes hair from my forehead. “Danica, come on. Do it for me, do it for us.” He’s upset and I hate I am the one causing it. “God damn it. I dare you Danica... I dare you to open your eyes,” and I do.

It’s cloudy at first and then begins to clear. I turn my head and tears stream down his face. “Hey beautiful, welcome back,” he says placing a kiss on my forehead, his aftershave lingering. My throat and mouth are dry, and I point to the water and cups. He pours and holds the straw to my lips. I suck in the refreshing cool liquid, drinking half of it.

“Well, I still know how to suck.” A sigh of relief escapes Hunter, “that’s my girl,” he says and holds me tight. “What the fuck happened? The last thing I remember was walking the red carpet.” He pulls out his phone and calls Uncle Lenny. The nurse comes in and checks my vitals and informs me he’ll let the doctor know I’m awake.

Once Uncle Lenny and Mark arrive they fill me in. Warren poisoned me because he was angry about our relationship. I was taking his money ticket away. I knew something wasn’t adding up, I couldn’t put my finger on it.

Blondie admitted to the brick but she never mentioned the pictures. I found that odd. Warren confessed the original threats were a publicity stunt, but who would have thought the others were to get rid of me. It doesn’t sit well; makes me wonder if it’s time for a career change. Don’t get me wrong. I love it, but at what risk?

The doctor comes in and asks everyone to leave so she can examine me. After checking the vitals and all, she closes the door, “Ms. Leroux I have some news for you. I understand you know about the poison and the treatment. But there is one last thing.”

My body tightens and nausea builds, something’s wrong, I’m not as healthy as they all claim I am. I push off the bed and grab the plastic container and throw up the water I had earlier.

The doctor hands me a cool wet washcloth, and I sit back. “Tell me. Give it to me straight Doc. I’ll handle whatever it is,” she glances at the chart and then sits in the chair next to me, taking my hand in hers.

“Well Danica it seems you are about five weeks pregnant,” I sit straight up in the bed “I’m what?” I scream out. The door flings open and all three men stand there with concern written on their faces.

“Oh no, wait. Go away. I need to talk to the Doc. Get out!” I yell trying to climb from the bed. The Doctor reassures them I’m okay, and they step back behind the closed door.

“Doc I have the implant, there’s no way I could be, it’s good for three years.” The doctor marks down on my sheet. I’ll have to have it removed. When she looks at my arm, “how long ago was it?” she glances from the paper to me.

Tags: Elaine Marie Erotic