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I pull up to the house and everything is dark. Mark texted to confirm Hunter and Warren left in the limo fifteen minutes ago and he is riding shotgun. They’re on their way to the pre-charity event. The main event will start in two hours.

Once I get to the walkway of his house, I feel off. I miss it, but it’s more than that. Something’s not right. I pull back and draw my gun. A Ducati is parked to the side near the bushes. The hair on my neck stands as the front door comes into view and it’s ajar. When I step inside something shatters on the hardwood floor in the hallway.

As I round the corner, a petite shadow scrambles around knocking things over. “Don’t move.” I shout and flip the light switch which blinds me for a moment.

A sudden push and my body lurches to the side. I reach out and grab the intruder, slamming her to the ground. With a quick slap the cuffs are on and I search the room to make sure we are alone. I listen for movement and step into the hallway. But the place seems empty.

I pick the woman off the ground and place her on the kitchen island stool. The whole time she calls me names, bitch, whore, tramp. I pull the mask from her face, and to my surprise it’s the blonde bimbo. I message for backup and look her over.

“What are you doing here? Do you know what, don’t say a word. I don’t want to hear your voice.” The night with her, Jax and Hunter invade my mind. I don’t want to be reminded. Instead I grab a pen and paper from the top draw and place it in front of her on the marble counter. “If you have anything to say write it down, if you know how.” I wait as patiently as I can and remove one cuff from her hand.

She sighs after a few moments and opens her mouth to speak. I stop her. “Write. Don’t say a fucking word to me.” She reaches out and takes the pen. Chief walks in and pulls me to the side. I explain who she is and what happened the other night. Not sure if she is friend or foe, I’d say foe after how Hunter treated her.

The Chief reads blondie her rights for breaking and entering, she snarls at me. I lean over and pick up the piece of paper. Jotted down is one word, but it’s enough. “You illiterate stupid bitch,” I step toe to toe with her.

“What’s wrong you couldn’t keep your man so you make threats, you put a target on my back to try and what? Scare him back into your arms?” The anger in her face just pisses me off more.

“Fuck you, he was mine, he always comes back to me,” she spits out.

“Yeah maybe before. But not anymore. Now he wants me. Just like while you were sucking him off he was thinking about me. You bitch.” I go to punch her and am yanked back by another officer. “Get her the fuck out of here,” I shove the paper towards the chief and he looks down at it. She wrote on:horin the same print as the brick.

If you think I’m pissed, you’ve never seen an Irishman turn so red. “You hurt my niece, you threw the brick, admit it and I may take it easy on you.” He pulls at her hands cuffed behind her back.

“Fine, I did it. I saw how they looked at each other, the way he dotes on her every move. It makes me sick. What do you have that I don’t?” The bimbo screams out.

“So you admit to throwing the brick and the pictures?” I’ve got her, just say the one word I need to hear and this could be all over.

“Yes, I threw the brick. You were here in his home. I couldn’t handle it, so I wanted you to get scared and leave him. But you didn’t.” She says defeated, tears streaming down her face.

“Sorry sugar, I don’t scare too easy. You want to know what I have that you don’t? I have a heart, I care enough about him to let him go if that’s what he chooses. But first I’m going to give him the option of having me, which I couldn’t do while I had a target on my back.” We got her. This could almost be over.

My phone chimes and I pull it from my pocket, “Mark, yeah. Listen stay with him. Don’t say anything but I think the job’s over. I’ll be there.” I throw the phone on the table and take a deep breath. It’s over. He’s not my assignment any more or at least he won’t be soon. I need to go to him and claim him, if he’ll still have me.

“Uncle Lenny, this is clear right. It’s done?” By using his name he knows I’m asking for personal reasons.

“She confessed. You love him?” he asks, my heart rate increases, “Yeah, I do.” He reaches out and pulls me into a hug. “Then go get your man.”

My happiness has always been Uncle Lenny’s priority. With his blessing I take off to my car, speeding down the highway. I make it back to my apartment and get ready for tonight.

Chapter Sixteen


The event is about to start and I’m stuck standing at the bar waiting on a woman I’m not even sure is going to show. Mark has disappeared which is odd since he’s supposed to have my back. I glance around the ballroom and as I look to the entrance there she is. Breathtaking.

Her dark wavy hair tossed to one side. Her lips red as sin and match her gown. She’s perfect. The red satin caresses her breast leaving nothing for your imagination. The black lace flares down her legs and those damn fuck me shoes.

She takes a step into the room and the slit up the right side exposes her bare thigh. I strut across the room and take her by surprise. “Oh, hi. You startled me.” she says. “You made it.” I place my hand on her back and escort her to the dance floor. By doing this, I’m letting every male and female for that matter know she’s mine.

These days without her in our home have been the longest days of my life. I’ve missed her. I lean in and her vanilla scent wraps me like a warm blanket. Her arm goes around my waist and I glide her around the dance floor. Our bodies molding together as the beat of the music increases. “I’ve missed you,” I whisper into her ear.

“Yeah, well, something came up I had to take care of.” She looks around the room, everywhere but at me. “What’s wrong?” Her body tightens and I pull her closer to mine. “Danica, talk to me.” She shakes her head, “Listen, I’m sorry I fucked up. I shouldn’t have done what I did. It’s just….I was hurt and angry and I was wasted. I know it’s not an excuse but. Shit, Danica I love you.” She stops dancing and I can’t believe those words left my mouth. But it’s true, I love her.

She lifts her head, her eyes glisten and her face is a beautiful rose color. I nod, confirming what I said is true. Her tongue moistens her red lips and then she drags it in. She knows this gets me every time, I lean in and take her lip then she opens and I kiss her with everything I am. Actions speak louder than words, if she would give us a chance we could be so good for each other.

The song ends and they announce dinner, I take her hand and lead us to the table. We sit with Warren and two other couples. Warren seems to be drinking tonight, which is odd because it's rare. I guess the news of me taking off the next two years instead of one is bothering him. Well too fucking bad.

It’s my life and I want to start living it, and I hope to be living it with this beauty who sits beside me. I take her hand in mine and kiss it, she smiles and looks away embarrassed. Almost...but not my girl.

Tags: Elaine Marie Erotic