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I walk into the pub and find Jax and Tommy at the bar. I raise my hand to the old timer and walk up next to them. “Why the long face?” Jax asks. I know I’m not supposed to tell anyone Danica’s on the job, but these are my only true friends. We’ve grown up together and I completely trust them. Besides, if I talk about it, maybe it will go away.

“Let’s take a booth,” with my beer in hand I walk over to an empty booth and slide in.

Jax and Tommy sit across from me, with elbows on the table they wait for me to start.

“Danica isn’t my girl.” They both chuckle. “Bullshit, that girl has you wrapped around her little finger.” And he’s right, but not anymore. “She’s an undercover agent. She may have me, but I don’t have her. It’s over.” Before it even began. I chug back the beer and wave it at the waitress for another.

“Well, shit. The way she looks at you and the games you two play, I’d say it’s more than a job to her. But I don’t know, maybe she’s a better actress than you.” Tommy chuckles at his own joke. When the waitress places the beer down on the table, I order a few shots and tell her to keep them coming. It’s going to be a long night.

Chapter Fourteen


My text message alert dings and Mark’s message scrolls across the screen.Local pub with friends, I’ll take tonight. Sweet dreams.I text a thank you and sit on the sofa. When the hell did everything get so complicated? He’s been ignoring me and it’s ripping me apart. I can’t stand it. I flick the T.V. on and settle down for a quiet night.


I’m startled awake and leap from the couch. With my gun pointed out I round the corner off the kitchen. There before me, I watch as Hunter stumbles up the stairs, his mumbles incoherent. He’s drunk. A blonde follows, giggling. Jax notices me pressed against the foyer wall, “Sorry, we’ll try to be quiet.” He stumbles and sways into the blonde into Hunters room and slams the door shut.

This has got to be a nightmare, any minute I’ll wake up. The giggles and movement from upstairs turns my stomach. Nausea settles at the back of my mouth. Is he touching her the way he touched me. Will he kiss her with the passion he kissed me with? Fuck him, it’s a job, I turn the T.V. off and everything downstairs is secure.

I climb the stairs and step inside the comfort of my room, only it’s no comfort at all right now. The noises from Hunter’s room pull my attention to the bathroom and his open door. With the lights out I step over and peer from behind the door. My jaw drops at what I see.

Hunter laying on his back, his pants undone and the blonde bimbo is sucking him off. Jax comes up behind her and kneels. In one quick move he thrust and she moans. My eyes roam over the scene.

It’s erotic and sickening at the same time. Hunter’s face turns in my direction, and his eyes captured mine. He begins to moan and his body tenses, Jax smacks her ass and her head bob’s up and down faster. Hunter gasps and calls out “Oh fuck, Dani.” My eyes go wide and step back into the shadows.

Nausea rises in my throat, I run over to the sink and dry-heave. The cool water from the faucet does nothing to reduce the sickness I feel. Commotion comes from his room. The girl is angry and yelling, “Who the fuck is Dani? Is she the one you’ve been seeing? How are you thinking about some other bitch while I’m sucking you off?”

I want nothing to do with this. I step back into my room and close the door behind me.

She continues to yell and scream, and then Jax gets involve. “Shut the fuck up, you’re lucky he let you. Let’s go, we’re out of here.” I listen and hear two sets of footfalls down the stairs and then the front door slams shut.

This is not something I expected nor did I think how it would affect me. By pushing him away, I gave him over to whoever wants him. But I want him. How could he be so cruel to bring her here. Right in front of me? Rub in my face what I gave away. The hell with this.

I text Mark:I need a few days, but I’ll be ready for the charity event. He, of course, has no problem covering for me, and this is why we work well together. I get up from the bed and pack a bag. A few days to clear my head are exactly what I need. With my keys in hand I reach the front door. When I look back up the stairs, Hunter is there swaying as he holds onto the railing. My chest constricts and disappointment tears me in two.

“What’s wrong,” he asks and I wipe away the tears. “Nothing, everything is fine.” I shoot him a dirty look. “Danica, what’s wrong?” I turn away and reach for the knob again ignoring him like he’s done to me. “God damn it Danica, this is what you wanted isn’t it.” He stares me down and I can’t hold the tears back.

“You, you’re what’s wrong. Don’t you get it? I can’t protect you if I’m busy loving you. So, you find some tramp to bring home. Whether you believe it or not, there is a real threat out there and I won’t let some crazy bitch take you from me.” I swing open the door and run full speed without looking back.

I sit in my car unable to move, and try to process everything that transpired. The tears stream down my face. Why am I so upset? This is what I wanted isn’t it? He’s safer without me. I turn the key and the engine roars to life, I jam it into gear and speed down the driveway. When I stop to turn I glance in the rear view mirror. Hunter stands at the doorway running his hands through his hair. Fuck him. Fuck everyone. And I peel away.

Chapter Fifteen


It’s been three days and her vanilla scent no longer fills our home. Mark claims she’ll be at the event tonight, and she needed to take care of some personal business. I call bullshit. When Jax came by yesterday he told me how fucked up I was, and we brought the skank home for a little fun. It’s weird how she always shows up when I’m at my lowest. My stupidity may have cost me the woman I'm so desperate for.

I only remember bits and pieces of the night. But what keeps repeating in my mind is her crying and the squeal of her tires as she pulled out of the driveway. She was pissed. I can’t blame her; it was a douche move. Bringing someone else into our home while she was here, it was out right wrong. But I was proving a point.

Since then she hasn’t called, texted or returned any of my messages. Regret, ashamed and heartbroken are the best words to describe me as I stare out the bay window. How the hell am I going to fix this? I glance down to the beach and watch the couples walk along the shoreline. The day we were out there, it was as if we were in our own world, our oasis. Nothing else mattered.

With her everything felt right. Simple and pure. No false acts, no pretending to be someone else. With her I was me, Hunter Marshall. I never had to try with her. It all fell into place on its own. Our flirty banter and sexual chemistry is what I’ve been looking for all this time and I didn’t even know it.

Warren walks in, “It’s time to get ready.” I glance at the clock, “I’ve got time. Can you do me a favor?” I fill Warren in on how I’ll do anything to get her back. He’s not happy but it’s not his happiness I care about. When the conversation is over, I take the stairs two at time and get ready for the night. Warren orders the Limo to take us to the pre-charity meet and greet. When Mark arrives in a tuxedo and states he’ll be joining us, my heart plummets. I thought she’d be here.


Tags: Elaine Marie Erotic