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The blonde slid from the stool across the room, pausing when she spotted him. She shot him a wicked grin before making her way to Brock’s sisters.

Finn stared after her, unable to move, trying to make sense of this new revelation. The last time he’d seen Gretchen in her running shorts and tank-top fleeing his hotel room, she’d been beautiful, her young body still transforming into that of a woman. Now, with the fabric of her dress hugging the curves of her hips and the tight muscles of her ass, there was nothing childlike or innocent about his friend’s younger sister


“You were supposed to be at the church,” Bianca berated her.

Gretchen shook her head. The blond hair that had once fell in unruly waves had been tamed into a sleek, stick-straight ponytail held by a small band at her nape. “I was at the church.”

Abigail rolled her eyes. “Please, Gretchen. Don’t bother lying, you obviously weren’t.”

Finn spoke up, “Yeah, she was there.”

~ ~ ~

Finn came to stand behind her, his chest a solid wall of warmth at her back. Gretchen suppressed the shiver snaking through her.

“I saw her in the balcony.”

Gretchen lifted her chin. “See. I was trying to stay out of the way, just how Mom likes me.”

Her sisters’ faces fell. They’d obviously been looking forward to their mother giving her hell for missing the rehearsal.

Bianca huffed. “Well, we could’ve used your help.”

Finn’s full lips lifted, revealing straight white teeth and one dimple at the corner of his perfect mouth. “I thought you both did an excellent job.”

Gretchen could’ve sworn she heard panties dropping. She would’ve been lying if she said his smile didn’t have her ready to drop her own. If she’d been wearing any.

“Well, w-we,” Bianca stammered, and Gretchen stifled a laugh.

“I would’ve gotten in your way.” She humored her older sisters. “You know me.”

Which was a lie. Neither of them knew anything about her or her life. No one did.

They both nodded and smiled, their attention focused on Finn. Although growing up, Gretchen had been the one openly adoring her older brother’s best-friend, her sisters had always secretly lusted after him. She turned away from the trio, signaling for a refill of her wine. Behind her, she heard her sisters departing and then Finn’s warmth was again reaching out to her, the smell of spicy masculinity wrapping around her senses.

She smoothed the front of her already smooth dress to keep her hands from shaking. “You didn’t have to cover for me.”

“I didn’t see any reason not to tell the truth.” He studied her over the top of his glass.

“I wasn’t sure you noticed me at the church.”

“I definitely noticed you.” His top lip lifted in a sexy smile that had butterflies taking flight in her stomach.

“You didn’t recognize me though.” She pursed her lips in a fake pout, pleased when his gaze lowered to her mouth.

He gave her an obvious once-over, and Gretchen recognized the flare of lust that turned his gray eyes a bit blue. “No, I didn’t. You’ve changed.”

She gave a satisfied snicker and leaned over, pressing her breasts against his hard chest, making sure her hip brushed lightly against his crotch.

“You’re right. I’m not a virgin anymore.” Her lips brushed his ear, before she turned to join her family.

~ ~ ~

As Finn looked around the ballroom of the Christensens’ hotel, he swore if he ever got married it would be to a poor girl who’d agree to run away and not tell anyone. People were packed into every available inch of the room. He’d be willing to bet the new Mr. and Mrs. Brock Christensen didn’t know half of them.

Finn found Brock across the room, his wife on his arm and a wide grin on his face. A part of Finn envied his friend. Not his wealth. Finn had more money than he knew what to do with, even if he sometimes had to lie about where he got it. Family was another story. Growing up, Finn had always wished for a family like Brock’s. The idea of a sober mother and a father who came home every night, instead of a string of boyfriends and johns, had seemed like a simple enough wish for a young boy. Now, as a man, seeing Brock’s happiness had a part of Finn envying him all over again. Finn would never find a happiness like that, and if he were honest, he’d have to admit he didn’t necessarily deserve it either.

Tags: H.M. Thomas Romance