Page 63 of Summoned By Magic

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Niall’s advice proved incredibly helpful. When I read a question that seemed vaguely familiar or something I knew I learned but couldn’t recall, I’d skip it, and minutes later the answer would come to me.

The science section was the hardest, but luckily, we also spent the most time on that during our studies. When I finished, a mix of relief and anticipation washed over me. It wasn’t an easy test, but I was pretty sure I’d done well. I felt confident like there should have been more. I expected Mrs. Sheridan to hand me another packet and tell me I also had to complete it with the remaining fifteen minutes.

I checked my answers, making sure I didn’t leave anything blank before standing. “I’ve finished.”

She looked up at me from the book she read behind her desk and met me at the lab table at the front of the room. I handed her my packet, and she waved me off. “I’ll let you know when I’ve graded it.”

I nodded and went back to my seat. I wanted to pull out my phone and text the group that I survived, but Mrs. Sheridan had a strict no-phone policy in her class. Even though this wasn’t our normal time, I assumed the rule still applied. Also, I didn't want them to get too excited if I didn’t pass.

Her eyes flicked back and forth from my test to the key she had with the answers. She dragged her pen down the page, but I couldn't tell if she was marking anything. When her wrist didn’t move after the second page, I gave up. She probably didn’t want to tip me off, so she wasn’t crossing them out the way my old teachers had. Maybe she was using magic to mark them or something.

I rolled my head side to side, loosening the tension in my shoulders. There wasn’t anything I could do now.

It only took her a few minutes to go through the ten pages, and she called me back up.

“Well, Ms. Williams, I’m pleased with the progress you made. Not only did you pass at a year-four level, but you managed to learn everything you needed within just two days. You’ve proven how serious you are about being a student here and that you are up to the challenge. The rest of the semester will continue to push you, but I believe if you keep this up, you will do well here.”

She didn’t smile, but I could see the pride shining in her eyes. The others said she was cruel, especially with her punishments, but maybe they were wrong. She seemed like she genuinely wanted me to succeed.

“Thank you, Mrs. Sheridan. I’m grateful for the opportunity to be here and continue to learn.”

“I’ll pass these results along to the headmaster and your other teachers. You’re free to go.”

I gathered my things before heading down the hall and rushing down the stairs. When I pushed the doors open, my friends jumped up from where they were sitting.

“I passed!” I shouted as I ran to them.

“We knew you could!” Hannah reached me first and gave me a hug before passing me around to each of them, who pulled me in and congratulated me.

Niall was last, and I didn’t give him the opportunity to reject me. I threw my arms around his neck. “Thank you so much. I don’t know how I’ll ever repay you.”

His body tensed against mine, but after a moment, he patted my back. “It’s no problem.”

I released him and smiled up at his brooding expression. “You saved me from having to repeat three years of high school. That’s a huge deal. I really appreciate it.”

His lips twitched, and I held my breath, waiting to see if a smile could appear, but he regained his composure and just nodded. “Right, well, I’ll see you tomorrow.”

With that, he turned and walked away. I watched him, wanting to call out and ask if he wanted to get dessert or something to celebrate, but I’d already taken up enough of his time. I just thought, or maybe hoped, this weekend had changed something between us. That we could go from classmates and forced tutor to something closer to friends.

Not yet.

I wouldn’t give up though. He was moody and cold and gave no indication he wanted anything more from me. If I was smart, even a little bit, I’d read the signs he was clearly giving me and leave him alone, but I wasn’t. Not in this case. It was like the more he blocked me out, the more I wanted to break in.

Something in his darkness called to me. Loneliness, loss, and uncertainty reflected back to me in his eyes. Was it instinct or something else that made me feel like if I told him what happened to my parents, he could relate?

Not that I would ever be able to ask. Masie’s reminder was fresh in my mind. I couldn’t risk anyone finding out who or what I was.

Malik poked my side. “Come on. Drake texted me earlier and said they have the ten-layer cake tonight.”

Everyone instantly perked up.

Sai led the way toward the dining hall. “I hope there’s some left. It’s the best dessert they make.”

I fell into step between Hannah and Theo. I had too much adrenaline still coursing through me to join in the conversation. My mind raced, and Niall’s quick departure nagged at me. His sadness made me spiral into my own. I missed my family and wanted to know exactly what would happen if people found out about me and my parents.

Theo was out and proud about being a hybrid, but his parents hadn’t been murdered because of him.

And why not?

Tags: Lexie Scott Paranormal