Page 36 of Summoned By Magic

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I wasn’t sure why he was warning me away from those guys, but I decided to listen to him. “Okay.”

“Good. It’s almost time for our next class anyway.” Malik stood, and we all got up and gathered our trays. On the way out, I glanced back and locked eyes with Niall. He didn’t even bother pretending not to watch me.

I arched a brow in question, and he just blinked, making my gut clench.

Chapter 13

We were finally going into the tower. I’d been anticipating this all day. Something about the imposing building pulled at me, like a strange sense of belonging. I could only hope that was a good sign, and soon enough, I’d be caught up with my peers.

“Water is in the basement. There’s an underground stream that feeds into the class so you have access without needing plumbing. Also, it limits the potential for damage so if someone causes a flood, it doesn’t affect the entire building.” Hannah chuckled like it was something that had actually happened. “Earth is on the second story, but sometimes you’ll meet outside. I’m sure today will be in the classroom. I probably won’t see you until tonight, but you can text me if you want to meet up and go to the library before dinner.”

“Thanks, I will.” Yesterday, I worried she was only being nice because she was the student assigned to show me around, but it seemed like she genuinely liked me. I hoped so. I liked her and Daniel and Malik, but it felt a little too good to be true that I would make friends so easily.

She waved as she headed up the stairs to the Air classroom.

Only a few clusters of students headed down to the basement, but I followed along and entered the chilly, damp room. I took a seat toward the back, hoping to blend in. My plan for my classes was to go unnoticed for as long as possible. I didn’t want to draw the attention of my classmates or teacher. All I needed to do was pass these courses so I could stay long enough to learn what I needed to control myself. I wasn’t looking to be top of the class or impress anyone.

School wasn’t my thing. I got average grades, high enough to stay out of trouble with my parents, but nothing that was going to get me into a fancy university. It wasn’t that I didn’t try. I just didn’t push myself. I never felt the need to. Why stress about my GPA when I knew I would end up going to the closest community college? I didn’t think my parents would be okay with me moving too far away, and I didn’t want to. I wanted to be close so I could be there while Aiden and Brielle grew up.

A plump woman with soft blonde curls framing her face greeted us from the front of the room. “Welcome to Advanced Water Magic, students. I’m Mrs. Brooks, and it is my responsibility to ensure that each of you leaves my class at the end of the year with a mastery of the following . . .” she paused, turning toward the whiteboard with her uncapped blue marker, and wrote in flowy handwriting as she continued, “summoning water, controlling water flow, and using water in defensive magic.”

I jotted down the list on the back of a page from the folder Mr. Haddon gave me and waited for her to continue. Several of the other students groaned or rolled their eyes. I glanced around, wondering what their problem was and my eyes met up with a very displeased Niall. Again.

Was he following me? Of course not. He must be a Water witch as well.

“This might not seem exciting, but each skill builds on what you already know and true mastery takes time and practice.”

Now I wanted to groan. I didn’t have the other skills yet. I was building from nothing.

Mrs. Brooks eyes landed on me, and her lips twitched into an almost smile. “I understand we have a new student joining us. Ms. Williams, how is your training coming along?”

Everyone turned my direction. I wanted to sink into my seat, but I had no reason to cower. It wasn’t my fault I was so far behind.

“I haven’t had any, Mrs. Brooks,” I answered.

Her brows pushed together. “None?”

A few snickers tittered through the class, but I ignored them. “No, ma’am.”

Was I supposed to tell her the only time I’ve ever done anything with water was Saturday? Just two days ago?

Her eyes skimmed over the class and landed in the opposite corner. “Mr. Kelly, you will tutor Ms. Williams twice a week until she is caught up to the rest of the class.”

My stomach dropped to the ground. Great. More Mr. Friendly.

I turned toward him, but he glared straight ahead, giving no indication he’d even heard the teacher. She didn’t wait for a confirmation before passing out the class syllabus and reading over the key points on the first page.

It wasn’t even the end of my first day of classes, and I was feeling buried up to my nose in work. How was I supposed to fit in tutoring with Mrs. Hedgings, Hannah’s group she was putting together just for me, and now Niall? When would I sleep? Or eat?

I had a vague idea this was how it was going to be. I was several years behind everyone else, especially those who grew up in witch families and had been around magic since birth. My late start was worse than I expected.

I wrote dates and notes as Mrs. Brooks continued for the rest of the period, focusing on her and trying not to garner any more attention than I already had. When she dismissed us, she called me and Niall forward.

“I trust you two can coordinate times for tutoring?” She looked between us, and I nodded while Niall remained silent. Was he mad about this? I probably would be. He hadn’t asked for this added responsibility.

“Mr. Kelly, I expect a weekly update on Ms. Williams’ progress. The faster you can get her caught up, the better.”

He finally acknowledged his new assignment with a lift of his chin and turned to leave the class while she looked at me like she was wondering why I was still standing in front of her. I smiled and hurried out, trying to remember if Hannah said the second or third floor or my Earth class.

Tags: Lexie Scott Paranormal