Page 72 of Fear is the Key

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“Bye, sweetie!” She waved as I curved around the wall to the back staircase.

I didn’t relax until I was in my bathroom, and I felt the garage door open. I actually pulled it off.

I blow-dried my hair and pulled on my most professional navy dress and begrudgingly slid into nude pumps. I didn’t have any other shoes fit for the workplace. If this lasted longer than a few days, I’d definitely need to go shopping.

As soon as I was ready, I put my things in a tan purse and headed downstairs to wait for Daniel. I was too wound up to eat anything, so I grabbed a protein bar for later.

I kept my eye on the driveway while texting Gavin that one mission was accomplished. He was going to monitor her activity as much as possible throughout the day, but the app would save everything for us to review later.

Daniel’s car pulled into the drive, so I hurried out and got in the passenger seat. It was a little strange to be here without Gavin, or at least Tessa, but it was a short drive to Sky’s house. He would fill any possible awkward silences.

“Do you feel ready?” Daniel asked as we turned onto the major street.

“I think so. Tessa made sure I was comfortable with the computer programs I might use, but it’s mostly answering and transferring calls. As long as the phone system isn’t too complicated, it should be easy enough. The hardest part will be taking notes discreetly.”

Since having my phone out on my desk might be considered unprofessional, we decided I’d use my personal email. Daniel confirmed they didn’t track their employees’ internet use, so it was the safest option.

“We don’t expect you guys to have a breakthrough on day one. Just get familiar with the other employees and let the rest come.”

I nodded. “What if someone comes in who knows me?”

Only two people who concerned me—my dad and Juliet.

“Then you duck under your desk and pretend you dropped something.” I narrowed my eyes at him, and he finally laughed. “I’m kidding. Robert has a pretty boring job. He runs the research and development department. I doubt anyone you know would be interested in the inner workings of solar panels.”

That was a solid point. That was pretty far out of the realm of investment banking.

When we pulled up to Sky’s house, he came running out with a breakfast burrito in both hands. “Hey, all!”

His energy was almost too much for the morning. He wasn’t like this at school.

“Want a burrito?” he asked, not directing the offer to either of us specifically.

“No, thanks,” I answered, and Daniel shook his head as he put the car in reverse.

“So Dad gave me the rundown on the teams I’ll be working with. I think I have an idea of who I watch.” He shoved an enormous bite in his mouth and waited until he swallowed before finishing. “It’s been a little while since the attack, so Dad doubts it will still be a topic of conversation, but it will be easy enough to bring it back up when I ask where the big boss man is.”

“That’s a good idea,” I commented, and Daniel glanced over at me with a smile.

“What’s the school think we’re doing?” Sky asked.

“We cleared you for the internship work program. You’ll both receive full credit for your assignments while you're out.”

I peeked over my shoulder at Sky as he fist-pumped the air.

Daniel told us what to do once we got inside, what floor to go to, and who to check in with once we arrived, so it would at least appear like we knew what we were doing. Since we were supposed to be coming from different departments, we had to play the part. He also sent us the name of the three suspects the team was watching.

As soon as we arrived at the massive skyscraper, my heart raced. This was it. Sky opened his door and jumped out. “Thanks, Daniel. See you tonight.”

He shut the door and found a trash can for his burrito wrappers.

“You’ll be just fine. If you feel compromised or something seems off, I’m just a call away. My office is only a few blocks this way.” He pointed down a street, and I pretended like I didn’t know exactly where the Society’s headquarters was. “I can be here in minutes if you need me.”

I let out a sigh and reached for the door handle. “Thanks.”

Sky and I walked through the main entrance and went to the front desk where our badges were waiting as Daniel promised. We joined the mass of people waiting for an elevator, and it took three cycles before we finally squeezed onto it.

“Floor?” A man called from the front.

Tags: Lexie Scott Paranormal