Page 61 of Fear is the Key

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Aaron went next. “I live pretty close to Sean in Forest Glen.”

I glanced at Luca, and he whispered. “Just north of here.”

“I can self-heal. I haven’t tested it on broken bones or anything serious like internal bleeding because ouch, but so far, I can fix sprains and flesh wounds.”

My brows shot up. “That’s amazing.”

He smiled proudly, tossing his long dreads over his shoulder. “Thanks.”

Sean shook his head. “He’s already grown a pretty good-sized ego over it. Don’t encourage him.” I bit back a smile and nodded. “I can deflect objects away from me. It actually sounds a lot like you holding your shield in. What happens when someone throws something at you?”

“It just falls to the ground,” I answered.

He pursed his mouth, eyeing me. “I can direct it back at someone. I wonder if we can get you to do that with some training.”

The idea was intriguing. “I’d like to try.”

He smiled, and I caught Sky and Noah narrowing their eyes at him, and I knew it was time to address the elephant in the . . . gazebo? I wasn’t sure how much they knew about me and the guys, but I wanted everything out in the air. No more secrets, at least not about our relationship.

Tags: Lexie Scott Paranormal