Page 6 of Fear is the Key

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“We’re working with your councilors to set up an internship so it counts as class credit. Arlington Park is very supportive of their students getting real world experience.” She explained. “By the time everything is in place, we’ll have things worked out.”

Sky met my gaze and grinned. No school and we’d get credit?

“Right,” Tessa continued covering what discussion points Sky could bring up and things I should keep an ear out for. She taught us an easy code we could use to take notes about what we hear and see without it raising suspicions if anyone saw them. Plus, we could use it to communicate with each other and back to her and Daniel.

“Have you ever taken any self-defense classes?” she asked me.

I shook my head. “I wish I had.”

Far too many times over the past few months, I wished I had known how to protect myself.

“We’re going to start that today.”

I perked up. “Really?”

She smiled. “Yes, we cleared out the garage and brought mats in.”

Sky and I followed her there, and I asked if I should run home and change out of my leggings and sweater.

“It’s best to practice in what you’ll most likely be wearing.” Tessa gestured to my outfit. “This is good for now.”

“I want you to stand facing me.” She waved Sky over, positioning him next to me. “Stand right here.”

“We’re going to start with some basic moves. These will be useful to know in general, and I want to make sure you are comfortable with them before you guys start. We’ll also give you some discreet weapons and pepper spray.”

Weapons? I was about to ask what kind when she raised her fist next to her face and swung straight out toward Sky. I gasped as he dodged the blow.

“That’s the hammer,” Tessa said before taking a small step and bringing her other leg up in a kick aimed at Sky’s groin. He grunted as he jumped back, narrowly escaping the attack. “The groin kick.” Just as Sky straightened, she twisted her torso while aiming the heel of her hand at his face. He ducked, and she nodded once. “The heel strike.”

Sky resumed his position, and Tessa took a step closer. I expected him to flinch or react, but he remained calm and waited for her move. “If your attacker is too close for any of those, then you go for an elbow hit.” She swung her elbow at Sky’s nose, and he leaned back enough to avoid being struck. “And if they’re coming from behind, you can use your elbow this way.” She turned so her back was to him and twisted again with her elbow aimed at his face. “Or slam your arm down to hit the groin.” She mimed each motion before telling Sky to wrap his arms around her. “This is how you get out of holds.” She demonstrated how to use your full weight to create space for an attack.

“Got it?” She stepped next to Sky while I watched them both with wide eyes.

“How did you—” I started to ask Sky before stopping.

He grinned, “We've been going through this training since we were ten. I knew what she was going to do and how to avoid each attack, and if I didn’t,” he shrugged, “then that’s on me for not being prepared and remembering my training.”

Tessa grinned. “He’s right. Now we’re going to start from the top and keep working every day until it’s second nature for you.”

I nodded, feeling a bit hesitant. “What about my shield?”

She gave a small smile, “For now, I’ve taught you all I can. You’ve improved so much, and I feel that you’re as prepared as possible in that regard.”

Her words meant everything. Controlling my shield felt instinctual now, and knowing she believed in me was a huge boost.

“Thank you for helping me.”

She smiled then nodded to Sky. “Let’s begin.”

Sky moved to face me, and step by step, we repeated each move. After about an hour, we took a break, and Tessa went to the kitchen to get us water.

I sat on the mat, and Sky plopped down next to me. “Sorry, you got sucked into this.”

“I volunteered,” he admitted as he pushed his damp hair out of his face.

“You did? Why?” I couldn’t imagine why any of them would ask to be hit and pushed and forced to the ground repeatedly.

“I wanted to make sure you were learning correctly.”

Tags: Lexie Scott Paranormal