Page 30 of Fear is the Key

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“Yeah, sorry.”

“Do you want to rotate in?” he asked, and I realized both matches were done. I didn’t even know who won because I was too busy checking them out like a creep.

“No, that’s okay,” I mumbled.

“Are you sure?” Noah asked. “It would be good practice for you.”

He was right, but the idea of standing in front of one of them right now drew the heat back to my face.

“Come on, you can go against Luca.” Noah walked over and offered his hand to help me up.

Great. I haven't practiced with Luca yet, so it would be good experience to train with someone new, but would it be weird if I asked him to put on a shirt? It would make focusing a lot easier.

“Stand here.” Sky pointed to a spot on the mat, and I moved into position.

Luca smiled across from me and raised both fists in front of him. Not knowing what to do, I mirrored him, and Sky gave the signal to start.

For a moment, all my lessons disappeared from my mind. All I saw was his bronze skin gleaming and the desire, or need, rose to touch him.

He stepped forward and swung his right arm wide, giving me plenty of warning. I raised my arm to block and thrust my hand out.

“Kick, Ave!” Noah called, but I was too busy avoiding Luca to take any instructions.

I dodged his next punch and tried to kick his legs out, but he saw me coming and jumped away.

I licked my lips, concentrating, but I saw his eyes flash to my mouth. I might not be able to beat him in a fair fight, but I could distract him.

I bit my lip and rolled it between my teeth. He sucked in a breath, and I used that moment to throw a right hook that managed to hit him in the arm.

The shock on his face was priceless. The guys started cheering me on, but my only trick was ruined.

“You tease,” he muttered so only I could hear.

I winked and bounced on my feet, waiting for him to make the next move.

He shot forward before I could react and took me down, pinning me with his body on mine. I gasped as the air left my lungs and couldn’t remember how to pull more in. I was too busy savoring the feel of all of him pressed against me.

“You’re supposed to fight back,” he whispered in my ear, and I closed my eyes as a tingle ran over every inch of my skin.

“I like this more,” I whispered back.

“Two, three! Luca won!” Sky called, but neither of us made an effort to get up.

“I’d like it better if we were alone.” His breath tickled my neck.

I groaned and nodded as he grunted, and his weight disappeared.

“You’re crushing her.” Noah shoved Luca to the side and bent on his knees to check on me. “You okay?”

I nodded and let him lift me up.

“That wasn’t too bad,” Vince said with a small smile. “You held your own until you let yourself get distracted.”

I cringed. “You noticed that?”

All five of them started laughing.

“Yes,” he answered when he was done.

Tags: Lexie Scott Paranormal