Page 23 of Fear is the Key

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“We want to see if that’s something you can manipulate your shield to do,” Daniel jumped in. “While the bubble, or sphere, is incredibly helpful especially now that you are comfortable bringing it around other people, we want to see if you can hold it closer.”

Tessa nodded. “If you’re either able to conceal the light under your skin or keep it on you, then you’d be able to use it in a more discreet manner.”

That did make a lot of sense. If I was able to keep it at my skin, then maybe it wouldn’t be seen by others. I could use it as full body armor. That would be pretty badass. Hopefully, I wouldn’t ever really need it, but it was better to have that skill than not.

“How do I learn?” Would the person be able to come here? I doubted I could fly off to Chile in the middle of the school year.

“The woman explained that she trained her mental barrier to keep the shield from expanding out, so your training will be focusing on that,” Tessa explained.

I nodded. That was something we were planning on working on anyway, but I wasn’t sure how it would help me with this. I didn’t have enough of an understanding of either process to really comprehend.

“You and Gavin will start working on that tomorrow,” Daniel added. “Noah, how is yours?”

My eyes darted to Noah, and he shrugged. “I’ve been working with my parents. I’m able to block a vision when it’s not safe to have one.”

“Really?” This was the first I’d heard of that.

“Yeah, Mom thought it was really important since I kind of blackout when they happen. She didn’t want me to have one while driving or at school when people would notice.”

“Good, I’m glad. If you want to come over tomorrow, you can help,” Tessa offered.

“Okay,” he agreed.

“Avalon, mind if we talk alone?” Daniel asked.

I stood up, and he led me toward the office. I heard Gavin ask his mom what was going on, but Tessa said nothing.

Daniel shut the door behind us and gestured for me to sit. I took my normal spot as dread pooled in my stomach. This couldn’t be good. There was nothing I would keep from the guys, but maybe this was something that needed to stay private.

“The team I’ve had researching Juliet has come back with inconclusive information,” he started.

I narrowed my eyes. “What does that mean?”

“They weren’t able to find anything.”

I straightened. “So she’s innocent? She’s not a part of the AS?”

He shook his head, “No, I mean they literally found nothing. No Juliet Beckerson in Chicago, Illinois, the U.S., or the world that could be her.”

The dread twisted to confusion while I sat there trying to absorb what he said. “How?”

“I’m not sure. This team is highly skilled at finding people, even those that don’t want to be found, so the fact that they’re completely stumped on a woman like Juliet is suspicious. Unless she does in fact have something to hide and people helping her do it.”

“People like the AS,” I confirmed.

He nodded and ran his hands over his knees. “Unless there’s something else you or your dad can tell us about her, it doesn’t look good.”

I felt ill. We knew this was possible, that she was a spy or at the very least affiliated with the group that wants to take down the Society, but the reality hit like a slap in the face.

“I’ll talk to my dad to see if there’s anything else he knows about her.” That was all I could do at this point. I wanted Daniel’s team to be wrong, but I knew in my gut that something was off. My heart hurt. I trusted Juliet and accepted her into my family. I couldn’t even think about how devastated Dad would be. The first woman he’s loved since my birth mother, and now this. The betrayal would haunt us both. I wanted to protect him from it for as long as possible. I couldn’t tell him until I was absolutely certain. There was still a small chance of an explanation, and I had to hold onto that. For my sanity and my dad’s heart.

“Let me know what you find out.” He stood and opened the door waiting for me to leave before following.

I could hear Noah and Gavin talking and hesitated. I didn’t necessarily want to talk about what I just found out, but I didn’t want to be alone either. I’d drive myself crazy thinking of all the worst-case scenarios until Dad got home. I pulled out my phone from my pocket and asked him to send a text to let me know when he got there.

When I got back to the living room, neither of them asked what Daniel had said to me, so I assumed he told them to leave it alone.

Gavin studied me for a moment before standing. “Do you want to do homework?”

Tags: Lexie Scott Paranormal