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My head spun as I fell back against my pillows, the bottle of booze in my hand. It wasn’t full enough to spill, thankfully.

I closed my eyes, welcoming the darkness.

* * *

My eyelids fluttered open as someone took the alcohol from my hand and smoothed back my hair. I cracked my eyelids open to see two Dominics sitting beside me on the edge of the bed, dressed in all black.

He said nothing as he reached out and cradled my face.

I slurred out the first thing that came to my head.

“I miss you.”

“I miss you too,mia regina. My love.”

“Fallon l-left me,” my voice cracked.

“Shh, baby. I know.”

“He-he doesn’t love me.”

“It’s OK.” He sounded pained as he said it.

“You’re gone too. We’re broken.”

“I’m not gone. I’m right here. We aren’t broken. Just a little cracked.”

I sniffled. “Like a mug?”

“Yes. Like a mug.”

“Can you make the hurting stop, Dominic? Can you make it go away?”

“I wish I could, baby, but this is just one of those things that only time can heal. I’m sorry.”

“Will you hold me?”

He slid into the bed beside me and brought me into his arms. My head spun as I clung to his t-shirt.

My tears kept falling. He kept wiping them away. I was weak. I needed to feel… something.

I shifted and brushed my lips against his jaw. The rough stubble tickled as I kissed his neck.

He breathed out, his body tense.

“You’re testing my resolve, my queen.”

“Please. I need this. We need this. Fix the cracks. I’m begging you, Dominic. Make it better.”

“You’re drunk. You don’t know what you’re saying,” he murmured.

“I want you to make me feel something,” I answered, my words slurring. “I’m offering what you want. Take it. It’s yours.”

He let out a soft growl and pushed me onto my back and loomed over me.

“Tell me. I need to hear it.”

I stared up at him, the dizziness so bad I couldn’t get his head to stop spinning in my vision. I didn’t even know if this was real or just another dream.

Tags: K.G. Reuss Kings of Bolten Erotic