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Iran through the night and circled around back to the dip, knowing what I was doing was batshit crazy. The feelings roaring through me were in control though.

I marched straight at the lords.

Fallon widened his eyes at me as I approached and pushed off the tree.

Hail was the next to notice me, and the first to reach me.

“Well, well, well. If it isn’t De Santis’s little toy. You look lost, rat. Tired of that Italian cock and ready to come home where you belong?” Hail asked, wrapping his hand around my wrist.

I didn’t hold back. I let my fist fly. It clocked him right in the middle of the face, sending him stumbling back.

“Fuck you, you disgusting, abusive piece of shit,” I snarled, backing away from him as he got his bearings back. I bumped into someone. Warm hands landed on my waist and a deep voice was in my ear.

“Get the fuck out of here before it’s too late. You’re not safe,” Drake said.

I turned in his arms and stared up at him. He glared down at me, confusing me. Fallon was quick to grab a hold of my arm and wrench me away just as Tate and Trent stepped forward.

I let out a cry at Fallon’s painful hold. He wasted no time shoving me hard. I stumbled forward and found another set of warm arms. I stared up into Dominic’s face for all of a second before he pushed me behind him. Levin immediately grabbed me.

“Get your bitch under control,” Hail snapped, pressing a can of beer to his swollen lip. “She came over here and attacked me. She’s lucky she’s not fucking dead already.”

Dominic said nothing. Instead, he gave them a curt nod and turned to me and Levin. He grabbed my arm roughly and hauled me away, people staring as we went past.

Dominic didn’t stop dragging me along until I stumbled for the tenth time and fell to my knees. With a snarl, he reached down and picked me up and tossed me over his shoulder.

His hand came down on my ass with every third step, making me cry out from the blistering pain it brought. He did that the entire walk back to our dorm.

By the time we’d made it there, my ass was sore, and my face was a mess from the tears I’d cried.

“What the fuck were you thinking?” he demanded, tossing me onto the bed. I scrambled back on it, my ass sore and my heart hurting. “You could have been hurt or worse! Bianca, I am so fucking mad at you right now. You’re always acting without thinking shit through. What do I have to do to get you to fucking learn your place? Huh? Answer me!” he bellowed, his body quaking with his rage.

“Dom, man, she drank a little tonight. She was upset,” Levin started.

Dom responded by throwing a lamp. It shattered against the wall, sending bits of glass across the floor.

The door opened, and Vincent stepped inside. His dark eyes swept over the scene, and he moved beside Levin without saying a word.

“I’m fucking tired of this shit. I’m tired of all of it. You don’t fucking listen. You always have to run off and act like a damn fool. All I do is spend my time trying to keep you in line. Nothing fucking works with you, Bianca! Nothing!” He stormed to our closet and started throwing stuff out at random.

He grabbed my purse and threw it across the room. It hit the wall and items spilled from it.

“Dom, chill,” Vincent called out as Dom stormed across the room to my purse and glared down at it, his chest heaving. I watched in horror as he bent down and lifted the packet of birth control pills up.

Vincent seemed to catch on first because he lunged across the room in front of me on the bed.

It didn’t seem to matter. Dominic fisted the packet in his hands and squeezed until it was nothing but a crumpled ball of tinfoil before he stalked forward.

“Dom. Wait—” Vincent didn’t get to finish his sentence because Dominic tossed him aside easily and grabbed a hold of me.

“You fucking lied to me,” he snarled, grabbing my hair and tugging my head back. “I was worried something was wrong with us, but the whole time,youwere lying. You were the problem. I thought I was failing you.That I was failing us.”

I cried out as he wrapped his hand around my throat and squeezed. He dragged me off the bed until I was on my knees in front of him. Then he squeezed tighter. My vision dotted with stars as I clung to his arm, desperate for air. I tried to plead with him, but no words could come from my lips.

“Women have been falling to their knees for me for years, wasp. Hundreds of desperate women. Not once did I fall to my knees for them. It was you who made me fall. And all to be fucking lied to. I put up with you going behind our backs with Fallon. It pained me to do it. I let him in for you, wasp. Then, in a bid to save your fucking life…” He shook me fiercely. “I aimed to put my heir inside you. It still wasn’t fucking good enough because you betrayed me with this fucking shit.”

Tags: K.G. Reuss Kings of Bolten Erotic