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“Fucking never,” he growled against my lips. “I’ll fight it. I swear I will.”

I swallowed, hearing the worry in his voice. He knew something I didn’t. Something I didn’t want to know.

Damn Dominic for not just believing him and letting the cat out of the bag. Now we were dealing with this. My frustration was at an all-time high.

I needed to let go. Maybe I was the one who needed to get high. To disappear in the haze so I could have a moment where nothing mattered.

“I’ll see you soon, princess. I have to go.” He tilted my chin up. “I love you.”

“I love you too.”

He gave me one last sweet kiss before releasing me. He nodded to Vincent before he adjusted his blazer and left us standing there.

“He’s going to be OK, B.”

I nodded. I wanted to believe it, but something didn’t feel right.

Or maybe I really just needed a break.



“You’re early,” Enzo said as he opened the door to his house and gestured for us to come in.

Levin and I stepped inside the luxurious mansion just off the Mayfair campus. Polished hardwood floors and a sweeping staircase greeted us.

“Thought we’d get this going,” I said.

We’d been frisked at the gates by men dressed in black. The fucker had this place on lockdown. They’d let us keep our weapons. I was sure it was a show of good faith.

We followed Enzo down a hall to a heavy mahogany door. He pushed it open and led us inside.

Ethan and Cole were already sitting on the leather chairs near a fireplace. The fourth horseman wasn’t around. If memory served me correctly, that guy—Fox—was the quarterback for Mayfair and a contender for the Heisman even though it was only his first year. I was sure he had an image to maintain and was probably in class or doing whatever the fuck Heisman hopefuls did.

“Come in. Have a seat.” Enzo gestured to the leather couch near the other guys.

I took a seat, and Levin dropped beside me. Enzo sat in a third chair.

“I hope you didn’t have any trouble getting in. I made sure my men knew you were to maintain your weapons,” Enzo said, nodding to the piece hidden on my waist.

“It wasn’t bad.” I glanced at Levin, who only grunted.

“Good. So… We have a lot to discuss. Shall we?”

“That’s why we’re here,” I said.

“E?” Enzo nodded at him.

E got up and grabbed a briefcase. He placed it on the glass coffee table in front of us and opened it. The inside was filled with his product in various forms.

“Pretty, isn’t it?” Cole asked, finally speaking.

“It is,” I murmured, taking it all in.

“I’ve been working on a few new things,” E said, clearing his throat. “I have my injectables perfected now. I didn’t touch the crash that comes with the rush though. I liked the idea of having a brake for some people.”

“He’s such a kind person, huh?” Cole chuckled. “I hate the crash. But fuck, that rush. You should fuck while on it. Seriously. You’ll love it.” He reached into the briefcase to pull out a vial of amber liquid and tossed it to me. “It’s this one. Bet your wildcat will love you on it.”

Tags: K.G. Reuss Kings of Bolten Erotic