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Dominic grunted.

“You need to put ice on your cheek,” I murmured, pulling the pack from my lip to place on his swollen cheek.

“I’m fine, my queen,” he answered, wincing as I pressed the ice to his cheek.

“I’m not fine,” Vincent called out. “I got clocked in face too.”

I kissed Dominic gently on the cheek. “I want to go check on Vin, OK?”

He gazed at me intently for a moment before he kissed my forehead and eased me off his lap.

I made my way over to Vin and sat beside him on the bed. “My poor Vinny.”

I kissed along his jaw. He gripped my chin and crashed his lips against mine, his tongue infiltrating my mouth.

A whimper slipped past my lips, and he immediately pulled away, his brows crinkled. “I’m sorry, baby. I forgot.” He ran his thumb along my busted bottom lip.

“It’s OK,” I said, offering him a wobbly smile.

Dominic and Vin began talking about business stuff after that. I yawned, not interested in anything they were saying.

Levin held his hand out to me. I looked up at him, noting the glint in his blue eyes.

“Come with me. Let Dom and Vincent have one another. You can come sit with me.”

I let him pull me to my feet. He led me to the overstuffed chair near the window and gathered me onto his lap. I snuggled against him.

Dominic began talking to Vincent again. I didn’t listen as Levin held me, his lips at my ear.

“Didhetouch you, bumblebee?”

He didn’t need to say his name. I knew what he was talking about.

“He scared me,” I murmured back.

Levin tensed beneath me. “Did he hurt you?” He reached out and tilted my chin up, so we were staring one another in the face. “Tell me.”

“He-he pushed against me and said some nasty things. I was really scared.”

“You’re safe now,” Levin said softly, his big arms wrapping around me tightly. “I’ll fucking kill him. I swear his days are numbered.”

“I don’t want you to get your hands dirty on my account. I’m fine.”

“Shh,” he said. “I’ll get my hands dirty because he’s a piece of shit, baby. Don’t worry about me. He needs to be taught a lesson, and I don’t mind being the one to do it.”

I sighed, snuggling deeper into his hold, knowing damn well there was no use arguing with him.

“Are we going back to classes?” I asked softly.

“No. We’ll just stay here.”

Normally, I’d have argued and gone back because I liked to keep my grades up, but right now I didn’t mind. I didn’t want to risk seeing Tate or any of the guys again.

Except maybe Fallon.

I missed him like crazy.

* * *

Tags: K.G. Reuss Kings of Bolten Erotic