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I wanted to call out to her, but her face was buried in Dom’s chest as he spoke softly to her.

“I’m going to fuck your whore before we graduate,” Tate shouted before he spat a mouthful of blood out. “You fucking hear that, De Santis? Your slut is mine!”

Dom lifted his head from Bianca and sent a look at Tate, which made even Hail take a step back. Chills rushed over my body.

Dom didn’t need to say anything. His look did it for him.

But it was Tate’s shaking body and the look in his eyes that terrified me. He was serious. He wouldn’t stop.

I might have to kill the fucker in his sleep.



“Fucking asshole,” Dominic growled as I sat on the edge of our bed. “What was he thinking? Fucking attacking me?”

“To be fair, you did doubt him, kick him out, and give him a reason,” Vincent said.

Dominic glared at him and continued to pace the room.

Levin sat beside me and pressed the ice pack I was holding back to my lip. An ugly bruise was already forming on Dominic’s cheek, but he didn’t seem bothered by it or the tiny cut over his dark eyebrow.

Vincent and Levin had some redness and some slight swelling from getting punched, but nothing that looked too terrible.

And I had a damn busted lip from Tate grabbing me. He’d gone straight for me the moment the brawl started. I’d seen the shift in him, so I’d turned and booked it. But I hadn’t gone far before he took me down.

“That pussy wet for me, baby?” he’d rasped in my ear as I’d struggled beneath him. “It will be once I fuck it, slut.”

I shook his ugly words out of my head and leaned against Levin’s shoulder. He wrapped his arm around me and held me as we watched Dominic rage around the room. Vincent pulled another ice pack from the fridge and tossed it to him.

“Chill. Seriously. F-Word marked your pretty face. Shit will look really bad if you don’t ice it,” Vincent said.

Dominic let out an angry snarl before he flopped in his high-back leather chair and pressed the ice pack to his cheek.

Vincent wasted no time moving to the bar and making Dominic a drink. Dominic slammed it back, and Vincent immediately refilled it.

“Wasp, are you certain you’re OK?” Dominic asked, his voice softening from the angry growl it had been.

“I’m fine,” I said. “It’s just a cut lip. He just scared me is all.”

“You’re OK, baby B,” Vincent said, coming over and handing Levin a drink before settling on his knees between mine. He cradled my face. “Promise.”

I nodded, my throat tight. I’d seen the way Tate had looked at me. How hard his cock had been when he’d rubbed it against me as he’d held me down. Nausea churned my guts. None of them knew he’d been sporting a hard-on. Telling them would definitely end in his death.

Dominic rose and came to me. Vincent moved away and let Dominic take his place.

My husband held my face in both his hands, his green-eyed gaze skirting over my face.

“Mia regina,” he murmured. “Come.”

He stood and held his hand out for me to take. I placed my palm in his and followed him back to his chair where he pulled me down onto his lap.

We hadn’t been getting along well the last few days. Mostly because he was overbearing and bossy and had taken Fallon from me. We’d been arguing ever since. He wasn’t even sleeping in bed with me, despite his best efforts. Instead, he’d been sleeping on the small sofa in his sitting area every night.

Not that I thought he actually slept. I’d woken up more than once to find him peering down at me, worry on his handsome face.

But he’d messed up when he’d kicked Fallon out. I suspected he had regrets over it too, but he’d never say them aloud.

Tags: K.G. Reuss Kings of Bolten Erotic