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“I don’t understand,” Levin said, stepping forward.

I glanced at B to see her twisting her wedding ring around her finger.

“Vander Veer and I go way back. He supplied my father with weapons not too long ago. They’re old college pals. He’s been dining with us for many years. Did you think it was that easy to get the deal when he was already with the horsemen?”

Dom said nothing as I glanced from him to Levin, who also seemed to be in a bit of shock.

“Then why did Vander Veer want Levin to date Celeste?” I asked.

Fox scoffed. “The man is a reacher. You guys aren’t exactly bottom rung. The horsemen are taken. But as far as anyone else knew, the kings weren’t. Why wouldn’t he want his daughter to marry into power and wealth? It was worth a shot. She’s motivated by the same things her father is. Power. Money. Status.”

“Motherfucker,” Levin said, shaking his head.

“So how was it?” Cole asked, his eyes barely open. “I can’t stand her, but you guys have to have a shit ton of patience since you have to deal with doll over there.”

“It was sloppy and mediocre. . . at best,” Levin snapped back, clearly still fuming over the twist in the situation.

“To be fair, Dom did give the green light on it,” I defended Levin, shaking my head.

Dom was still silent. If I had to guess, he was probably stewing in anger over being tricked.

“Celeste is the one who told the lords that the kings were going to the club that night. She begged us to reach out to you guys somehow,” Fallon cut in.

Enzo nodded. “She needed to be in deeper with the lords. What better way than to give away the kings’ location to us?”

“Fucking two-faced bitch,” Levin grumbled. “She pretended to be obsessed with me.”

“I don’t think she was pretending, buddy,” Fox said, glancing to Cole, who let out a soft chuckle. “She had it bad for you. That was probably all truth.”

“Then why is she still loyal?” Levin demanded. “To the horsemen. To us by default if she’s so angry with me?”

“Because she wants Cole’s dick if she can’t have yours,” Enzo said with a shrug. “She tried with Cole once before and was shot down. I think it wounded her ego, but she’s resilient. I’m under the mindset that she plans to have one of you, so she’s keeping her options open. Crazy bitches do shit like that.”

“It’s rude to assume she’s crazy,” Ethan muttered as he lounged against Cole’s table.

“Dude, she’s a fucking nut bag,” Fox said. “We all know it. Remember when she snuck into your room and crawled into your bed?”

“I’ve been trying to forget it,” Ethan said, a sour look crossing his face.

“E doesn’t like to be touched by anyone other than Rosebud,” Cole piped up, looking at B. “Pretty sure he’d even get upset if your pretty, little doll touched him.”

“I wouldn’t touch him,” B said softly. “I respect boundaries.”

“Except when it comes to shooting someone who asked you to put your gun down,” Cole shot back tiredly.

“You startled me,” B snapped. “Sorry if I’m a little trigger happy after all the shit you’ve put us through.”

“Can’t argue about that,” Cole said, smiling at her. “You know, Bianca, I think you and I are going to be best friends. We should exchange numbers. I’ve got a shit ton of cat memes on my phone I think you’d get a kick out of.”

She rolled her eyes and went silent again.

Cole was a weird motherfucker. I’d seen his crazy side. I definitely preferred his friendly side.

“So Celeste is your inside guy,” Dom said, moving the subject back. “She’s fucking Drake, right, Fallon?”

“As far as I know. Drake isn’t happy with her, but he’s just trying to do what Hail wants. Hail is hoping Celeste can get her old man to help out the lords,” Fallon answered.

Dom nodded, taking in the information.

Tags: K.G. Reuss Kings of Bolten Erotic