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He gave me a squeeze. “You earned it, baby.”

Hell yeah, I did.



Dom was pissed. He didn’t need to say a word. I could tell by the tense set of his shoulders and the way he kept adjusting his hands on the steering wheel—twisting at it angrily with his white-knuckled grip. I was sure bumblebee would be paying with her ass later.

She’d scared the shit out of us again but had somehow put the horsemen on their knees for her. I had the most confusing hard-on because of it. On one hand, I’d been terrified. The thought of her getting hurt had made me physically ill and unhinged, willing to blow the fucking club up just to level the playing field. On the other hand, seeing her standing there with some of the most powerful men in our world on their knees out of fear, and probably even a bit of respect, did something to my insides.

Bianca De Santis was a force to be reckoned with.

“What’s the plan?” Fallon asked as we neared our destination.

“I say we continue shooting,” Vincent said.

“We hear them out. We’re on our turf now. The court should be in place soon. We’ll outgun them five to one if it comes down to a fight.” Dom flexed his hands on the wheel again.

“What are we doing with bumblebee?” I asked.

Bianca swiveled her head so fast in my direction her hair smacked me in the face.

“You’re taking me with you,” she answered. “Right? I get to go. I’m the one who found them—”

“You fucking shot one, wasp. You almost fucked everything up. Need I remind you, you’re the one who demanded we save their girl?” Dom shook his head, his words clipped. “You’ll be out of the way for this round.”

“Out of the way? Because I somehow messed this up?” she demanded.

“I don’t know if you did. If that fucking prick dies, then yes, you definitely did,” Dom snapped back. “And you’ll definitely be in trouble for it too. You can’t want to save people while simultaneously killing someone they love. That’s not how saving people fucking works.”

“I didn’t mean to shoot him! It was an accident. He reached for me, and I reacted,” she said.

Dom grunted, a muscle working along his jaw.

“B, don’t ruin my fantasy,” Vincent called out from his seat. “In my head, you blasted that prick in the leg in my name.”

“I’m not sorry I did it. I’m sorry that hornet ass is being an ass over it especially after what he wants Fallon to do!”

“What does he want Fallon to do?” I asked, frowning.

Whatever it was, it definitely wasn’t anything I was privy to.

“He wants Fallon to find some girl on campus and have arelationshipwith her, so he has a cover story to keep the lords from finding out he’s secretly a king,” she shouted, her small body trembling against mine. Her blue eyes focused on me. “It broke my heart when you were with Celeste. I know it’s partly my fault and I deserve the pain, but I’ve done nothing this time.Nothing,” she choked out.

“Baby,” I murmured, reaching for her, my heart squeezing at her confession.

It hadn’t been all sunsets and brownies for me either. We’d both been stupid in our ways.

Fallon tugged her against him and wrapped his arms around her as she clung to him.

“Prick,” I muttered, running my hand along her thigh in what I hoped she interpreted as my awkward way of comforting her.

“Did you really tell him to do that?” Vincent demanded.

“I’d command it of you as well if our circumstances called for it,” Dom clipped out. “I’m not sorry for wanting my wife safe.”

“That’s fucked up, man. Seriously,” Vincent grumbled, looking back at Bianca and Fallon. “So what’s the deal, F-Word? You going to fuck someone else?”

Tags: K.G. Reuss Kings of Bolten Erotic