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“Hey,” he said when he reached us, his blond hair disheveled like he’d run the entire way.

B immediately went to him as he turned his light off.

“Bumblebee,” he purred through the darkness. “How’s my girl?”

I imagined his big hands were all over her in his arms.

“Fine,” she answered. “Why were you with Stella?”

“She said she needed to talk. It was bullshit, like always. She said Celeste is being a bitch and talking shit about me. Nothing that matters.”

“It does matter since she tried to have me and B murdered,” I muttered, still pissed off about the three knives shoved into my body.

“She’ll have her day,” Dom said, his accented voice filled with dark promises.

“It doesn’t matter how she feels about me. That’s all I’m saying,” Levin muttered, sounding distracted. He let out a soft chuckle. “We need to focus. We can get tothatlater.”

I scoffed, and Dom grunted. Apparently, our little B was trying to take advantage of Levin in the darkness. I marveled at how even the big, brooding German had changed since B had come into our lives. Never thought I’d see the day my two best friends fell so hard for someone that they’d risk everything for her.

Deciding I wanted in on whatever action they had going on, I crept forward with my hands out. I immediately found Bianca’s soft, blonde waves and tugged her head back, my fingers twisting in her hair as I kissed along the soft skin of her neck.

She let out a soft moan as Levin’s hand brushed against my face. I assumed he was trying to figure out who was taking B away from him.

“Fucker,” he murmured.

I let out a soft huff of laughter as a light bobbed from the other end of the bleachers. The mood shifted immediately. Levin hauled B from me. I assumed he tucked her safely behind him as the light grew closer.

I shielded my eyes.

“Sorry,” Fallon muttered, aiming his phone at the floor. “You guys pretending to be bats or some shit here in the dark?”

“We are the night,” I said, moving behind him and doing the best impression I could, throwing my arms up like batwings.

“Nice,” Fallon said. “Do I need to turn my light off?”

“Did you see anyone on your way over?” Dom asked.

“No. Not a soul.” Fallon shifted from foot to foot as he stared at Bianca, who was trying to wrestle out of Levin’s grasp to get to him.

“Then no. We should be fine,” Dom said.

Levin let out a sigh and released B as she tried to bite his hand. Immediately, she was in Fallon’s arms, kissing him.

“Wasp. Enough. Come,” Dom hissed.

She groaned but let go of Fallon and went to Dom, who wasted no time cinching her back to his front, his arms wound tightly around her. He whispered something in her ear that made her go still. I had to hand it to him. He knew how to control her. It was hot as fuck.

“Speak,” Dom commanded. “What’s going on?”

“Hail changed the plan. I might not get Bianca first if the lords grab her. Whoever grabs the horsemen’s girl, gets to fuck both girls first. So when shit gets bad and it’s go time, I’ll have to be the one to take Rosalie Bishop just so I can make sure Bianca is safe if the lords grab her,” Fallon said in a low hurried voice.

I bristled more with each word he said, my anger unfurling rapidly.

“I see.” Dom breathed out when Fallon finished.

“They won’t get bumblebee. We won’t allow it, so it’s a moot point,” Levin added gruffly. “They can fucking try, but I’ll rip their heads from their bodies before they get close enough.”

“I understand what you guys are saying and that you’ll be there to protect her, but what if…” Fallon asked softy. “Bad shit has happened before.”

Tags: K.G. Reuss Kings of Bolten Erotic