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“You won’t even try? For me?”

“You’re crazier than they are,” he murmured, his gaze sweeping over me. “Why do you want us to have a truce with them? D-did they say something to you?”

“I just don’t like the fighting. I think it’s better to have allies than enemies, and I think they’d be good ones. Plus, I’d like to get into their good graces so I can kick Cole in the dick for being such a fucking asshole. Enzo too.”

A tiny smile tilted Levin’s lips. “I’d love to watch you put Cole on his knees. Fuck, thinking about you kicking ass like that makes me hard.”

“You talking like that makes me feel some kind of way.”

His smile widened. “God, I fucking love you, bumblebee.”

I didn’t get a chance to answer because his lips crashed against mine as his hands gripped my hips and tugged me roughly to him. He wasn’t lying about his dick being hard. It ground against my stomach while he deepened the kiss.

“Well, would you look at that. A king and his whore.”

I broke away from Levin and swallowed as Tate and Fallon stood in front of us. Fallon’s gaze raked over me, and he offered me a quick wink. Our time together at the cabin flashed through my mind, and he gave me a knowing smirk, making my face heat. Apparently, he was a damn mind reader.

“And look. Two small-peckered Russian cunts. Tell me. Which one of you pitches and which catches?” Levin glanced between Tate and Fallon. “I bet Vasiliev catches, don’t you, pretty boy?”

“Fuck you, you fucking German pussy fart,” Fallon shot back.

I peeked behind us to see if Dominic was on his way but saw an empty path.

“Shouldn’t you be sucking De Santis’s cock right now, Seeley? Heard you boys all take turns slobbing his knob.” Tate gave Levin a shit-eating grin.

Levin scoffed. “That the best you got, shit weasel?”

“No.” Tate grinned. “How’s this? I’m going to take your whore and show her how a real man fucks. Make her scream my name until she forgets all about the kings. She’s already sucked my cock and swallowed my come—”

I stepped forward before Levin could stop me and planted my fist in the center of Tate’s face. His nose cracked beneath the impact, sending blood rushing out like a river. Fallon stepped back and stared wide-eyed at me as Levin wrapped his arm around my waist and hauled me back.

“Fuck you, Tate!” I snarled, struggling against Levin’s hold. “You fucking pussy. I should’ve bitten your dick off, you piece of shit. Fucking fed it to you like a mother bird feeds her useless goddamn baby bird. Fucking worm! You’re shit, Tate! Shit!”

“You stupid bitch,” he growled, dropping his hand from his busted nose.

The blood continued to pour out as he took a menacing step toward me. “You’ll pay for this. Now I really am going to fuck your cunt. You just wrote your own death certificate, slut.”

“Easy, man. Back the fuck up,” Fallon said in a low, gravelly voice that made my arm hairs stand on end as he grabbed Tate. “Now.”

“Fuck you,” Tate snapped, stepping closer to us.

Fallon yanked him back, but Tate elbowed him off. Fallon’s gaze darted to Levin quickly, a resigned expression on his face before he stared at a point over my head.

“Fuck,” he muttered.

Instinctively, I knew why he was concerned. My husband had arrived. I didn’t even get a word out before Dominic lunged forward and landed a heavy blow to Tate’s face, snapping his head to the side. Tate stumbled before he lurched forward, fists swinging.

“Goddamn it, Seeley, you German cunt hair!” Fallon shouted as Levin launched himself at him, landing a good punch to his jaw. Fallon snarled and swung, clocking Levin hard in the cheek.

“Stop. Stop it! Levin!” I wrestled my way between them, noting that Dominic had Tate on the ground and was kicking the shit out of him while Tate wildly struck out at him.

Fallon pulled his punch a breath from my face before he winked at me and ran his knuckles quickly along my jawline. Then he backed away only to go to Dominic and toss him off Tate. Dominic stumbled back while Fallon helped a badly battered Tate to his feet.

“You’re fucking dead, De Santis.” Tate spat a mouthful of blood at Dominic’s feet as Levin locked his arm around me. “You and your whore.”

Dominic let out a dark chuckle. “Many have tried and failed. I appreciate the invitation, though. I’m going to let you in on a little secret, Tater Tot. After I take out the horsemen, you’re the first one I’m coming for. Watch your back.”

Tate jerked out of Fallon’s hold and stormed off. Fallon glanced at us all.

Tags: K.G. Reuss Kings of Bolten Erotic