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“Ah,fuck.” I grunted as I tried to shift my legs off the bed.

It had been three days since the fucking horsemen tried to unalive my ass, and I wasn’t any less pissed off. In fact, my anger had only grown as the memories from that night inundated nearly every waking moment.

They’d taken my baby B and tried to hurt her. They’d wanted to use her. They’d made her watch the shit they did to me.


I had half a notion to find their chick and do the same fucking thing, so they’d know what it felt like to live that particular fucking nightmare.

“Easy,” Dom said, his eyebrows knit as he watched me shift.

“I think it’s too soon.” Bianca looked worriedly at Dom, who frowned.

“She’s right. Give him another week.” Levin reached for me and rested his hand on my shoulder. “Easy, Vin.”

“This sucks,” I groaned, giving up and lying back down. “Those fuckers, man. I’m going to kill every single one of them.”

“The F-Word is working on getting more information. That new fuckwad Ivanov let join their super squad of cunts has an inside man who feeds them info. Apparently, the horsemen survived, so you’ll get your chance, Vin,” Levin said, glancing at Dom, who was still staring at me with a frown on his face.

“Good. I’m going to fuck their world up.” I exhaled noisily and closed my eyes. “Dom, why the fuck you still staring at me?”

“I’m trying to figure out what to do. We need to return to Bolten. We already missed classes today. It will create gossip if we miss more.”

“Natalia said she’d look after Vin,” Levin said, watching as B pulled my blanket up to my neck. “She took good care of me. She’s funny too. You wouldn’t think so since she’s the F-Word’s blood, but I actually like her.”

“You like Fallon too,” B mumbled. “You just don’t like to admit it.” She leaned down and placed a kiss on my forehead.

I grinned up at her and cradled her cheek with my good hand. She offered me a sweet smile that sent butterflies soaring in my chest.

“Not to change the subject, but I can hear you guys fucking my baby B,” I said, tearing my eyes away from B as her cheeks reddened.

“We haven’t fucked her together.” Levin shrugged. “Dom watched me fuck her a couple of nights ago. But he’s been hogging her since.”

“He’s trying to get me pregnant,” B said with a sigh, shooting a sour look at Dom.

He lifted a brow at her. “And I’m going to do it again tonight. Try and stop me.”

“Like I could.” She shook her head at him.

I wasn’t a fan of him forcing a pregnancy on her—neither were Levin and Fallon—but at the same time, I knew where he was coming from. I understood why Dom thought it could save her. I’d talked with the other guys, and we’d all decided we might need to step in if it seemed Dom was taking things too far against B’s will. But I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t a little excited at the prospect of seeing my baby B as a mama one day. Hell, my own mama was a wonderful woman. B would be an incredible mom. In fact, I’d even imagined what it would be like if she hadmybaby. I wasn’t obsessed with the idea like Dom was, but someday down the road, I wanted it to happen. A daughter. A little B I could spoil too. We’d name her Aurelia Grace Valentino. Or at least I hoped we would.

“You look so tired,” B said, coddling me.

I smiled tiredly at her, enjoying her affection as she stroked her fingers gently through my hair.

“I am. The pain is getting better though. It’s not great, but it’s tolerable. I just wish I could walk. Shit sucks.” I let out a sigh and closed my eyes.

The room grew quiet.

“Come on, everyone. We need to let Vincent rest,” Dom called out. “Levin and I will get a plan together for returning to Bolten and let you know when you wake up.”

I snapped my eyes open as much as I could since they were still swollen a bit. “OK.”

They moved to the door, but B remained at my side.

Tags: K.G. Reuss Kings of Bolten Erotic