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“Fine. I agree.”

Stefan nodded stiffly. “Good. Take me to her.”

I nodded for him to follow me to her room. We stepped inside, and he approached her bed and stared down at her, a fond look on his face.

“So this is the girl that stole my brother’s heart,” he murmured.

“It is,” I said.

“Then let’s get her to safety.”

He leaned down and scooped her gently into his arms and cradled her to his chest. Her eyelids fluttered open as she whimpered. She stared up at him.

“Levin?” She mumbled, confused.

“Stefan,” he corrected her gently.

“You’re dead,” she murmured. “Am I dead?”

“Yes, sweetheart. You are now,” he said softly.

A sad smile graced her lips before she dozed off again.

I didn’t have shit I needed, so I followed Drake and Stefan out to his car and watched as he loaded her inside.

“We should separate in case by some chance you’re found. So follow me,” he said as he closed the door on her.

She rested across the backseat of the SUV he’d driven, a throw blanket tossed over her.

Stefan got behind the wheel and started the car and pulled a baseball cap low over his face and stuck a dark pair of sunglasses on. Sighing, I went to my car and Drake got into the passenger side as I started the engine.

We pulled out behind Stefan and followed him, both of us silent as we drove through the night.

“You OK?” Drake finally asked.

“You’ve got your fingers into a lot of pots, Drake.”

“It’s my specialty,” he said with a shrug. “For what it’s worth, I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about all of this sooner.”

I said nothing, tightening my hands on the wheel. There was a hell of a lot going on that I still needed to wrap my head around.

And my hands around.

But once I found fucking Hail Ivanov, Tate Riley, and Trent Beyers, I’d get my chance.

Or I’d fucking die trying.

That is, if the kings didn’t kill me first.



Iglared out the window of the safe house we were in. We’d been holed up here like rats for far too long.

Hail was going insane.

Word broke that Fallon was now the leader of the lords, and we’d bailed after murdering Bianca. Hail had been smashing shit all week after his father basically told him to get fucked over this screw up. He wasn’t offering assistance, that was how we knew how deep we were in this shit.

Tags: K.G. Reuss Kings of Bolten Erotic