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Truth of the matter was, I did trust Drake. He wanted out as much as I had. He wanted to end these fucks like I did.

I finished my coffee and went back into the house and straight for Bianca’s room.

I stepped inside to find her on her back, staring at the ceiling, a tear trickling from her eye.

“Hey, princess,” I murmured. “Let’s get some water.”

I reached over and lifted her head up and pressed the glass of water to her lips. She sipped at it before turning her head away. The bruises and swelling were still fierce on her face, but at least she could see now since the swelling around her eyes had gone down enough.

I sat on the edge of her bed and cradled her face. “Do you want to talk?”

I waited patiently as she stared straight ahead. Figuring she wasn’t going to speak, I made to get up. Her warm hand wrapped around my wrist and stopped me.

I sat back down and stared at her. “What is it?”

“D-Dom,” she choked out. “I-Is he gone?”

“Gone?” I frowned. I hadn’t told her I had no intention of returning her to him. Ever.

She nodded. “T-Ta… thatmonstersaid Dom annulled our marriage and was betrothed to someone else. That the kings left me.”

I studied her, hating I was this person, but I wanted her safety.

“Dom let you go,” I said gently, hating this. Dom had already discovered herbody. She no longer existed to him and the kings. “It’s just us now.”

A tear squeezed out from the corner of her eye. “Oh.”

“I love you, Bianca. You know that, right? We’re going to get through this. All of this.”

“Promise?” she whispered.

She was such a broken creature now. The spark that made her so real was extinguished by the torment Tate had rained down on her. She was meek and docile.

“I swear it,” I said, bending down and kissing her forehead.

“Did we run away?” she asked as I pulled away from her.

“We did.”

“Are we safe?”

“We will be. Someday. The kings have let you go.” I fucking hated the words as they left my mouth. I doubted very much they’d let her go. They were hunting my ass currently. I knew it to the depths of my soul. But I also knew I just couldn’t bear to let her go back to that life. Not now that everything was in place for her safety. Maybe they’d eventually kill me, but I prayed I’d get to spend my life with her. I prayed she’d always remain safe.

I wiped the tears from her cheeks.

“Lay with me?” she whispered, giving me a pleading look.

I didn’t hesitate. I slid gently into bed beside her. She relaxed against me, closing her eyes.

“It’s just a bad dream,” she said so softly I could barely hear her. “I’m OK. It’s just a bad dream.”

I said nothing, knowing this must be her new way of coping with things that hurt. She fell asleep shortly after, her breathing slow and even. I trusted Drake would keep her hidden and safe. His life depended on it too.

When the sound of crunching gravel met my ears hours later, I untangled myself from her and went to the living room just as Drake pulled open the door.

My heart fell to my feet as a ghost walked through the door.

“What the fuck?” I choked out as Drake closed the door.

Tags: K.G. Reuss Kings of Bolten Erotic