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“Not fucking good,” Drake answered back in a gruff voice.

“So we heard. Thought maybe you could clear some shit up for us though. Seems you might know where Bianca De Santis is.”

He was quiet for a moment. “I wasn’t involved in it.”

I ground my teeth.Liar.

“I’m sure. Here’s the thing, Drake. I thought we had a deal. If I remember correctly, wasn’t it Fox who said we’d drown you like a rat if you turned against us? He had his gun to your head.”

“He did say that, but I haven’t turned against you.”

“That’s great news. So then you can tell me where I can find Bianca. Dominic would really like his wife back.”

“Man, shit’s bad. I-I need a minute, OK?”

“We don’t have a minute, Drake. If you don’t give me what I want, then we’re all coming for you. Is that something you’re prepared for?”

“Fucking just hold on,” he snapped.

The line went silent for a moment before he came back on. Dom looked like he was ready to pounce on the phone and beat it like it was Drake himself.

“I’m not with the lords. I left when shit went down.”

“And what went down?” Cole asked conversationally.

Drake sighed. “I’m sure you’re with the kings now. I’m sure you already know.”

“Vasiliev raped Bianca,” Cole said softly.

Drake was quiet. “I left. I don’t kno—”

“Don’t fucking lie to me!” Cole’s voice boomed out as he lost all niceties, the monster within him clawing its way out.

“This is fucking insane!” Drake whisper-shouted back. “Fucking god damnit! I wasn’t interested in going to war with the fucking kings. I never was. My interest was taking out the fucking Bratva here and being free of this shit. And now I’m caught in the middle of all the fucking bullshit. You want to know what’s going on? Bianca was raped. Beaten. They planned on killing her. In fact, the plan was to lure the kings there under the pretense they’d be able to save her. The lords were going to kill them, take the cash, kill Bianca. Game fucking over.”

Dom went deathly still. I shook in my seat, my anger and heartbreak tearing through me. It was Levin who grasped my hand this time as I tried to remain in my seat.

“Where is Bianca now?” Cole asked.

The rest of the horsemen hadn’t moved an inch during this interrogation.

“I don’t know.”

“You didn’t leave before it happened, Drake,” Cole said softly. “I know you stayed.”

Drake was quiet again for so long, I feared he hung up. Finally, he spoke. “I stayed through some of it. I couldn’t take it, so I pulled my gun. That’s why the feed cut off. I tried taking out the lords. One against four isn’t a fair fight. I couldn’t win, so I got the fuck out of there.”

“And Bianca?” Cole pressed.

“They still have her,” he said softly, his voice shaking. “I’m sorry.”

“Where do they have her?” Cole asked.

It took Drake a moment to answer. “I can’t fucking believe I’m doing this,” he muttered. “I want to know I’ll be left the fuck alone. No one comes after me once I give you this information. That includes the horsemen and the fucking kings.”

“You have my word,” Enzo said, breaking his silence.

“And mine,” Dom added, his voice thick.

Tags: K.G. Reuss Kings of Bolten Erotic