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I sighed, forcing the feelings in my chest away, and looked down at my phone to see it was time to head to Hail’s. I tucked a knife into my boot before leaving the room and walked over to his dorm.

Everyone was already there when I arrived. I made myself comfortable on a chair in the sitting room as Hail drank a shot of whiskey.

I glanced over at Tate to see him looking down at his phone, a tiny smile playing at the corner of his lips. Something was going on with him. The uneasy feeling built in my chest until I felt like I’d burst if I didn’t see what he had on his phone. It had been weeks of this shit. He’d missed several of our meetings, citing he was just going to go get laid or some other fucking excuse. There was no way. He got laid plenty at Hail’s parties. When I’d tried to follow him, I’d gotten nowhere. He’d turn back to his room or just grab a sandwich. He never led me anywhere.

I was ready to get to the bottom of it.

“So De Santis looks like shit,” Hail started, leaning back in his chair. “Saw him today. Looked like a strong breeze would blow him over.” He let out a soft laugh. “Which means it really wouldn’t take much to get rid of him since his whore has run off.”

I continued to watch Tate, noting he wasn’t even paying attention. He was too focused on his phone and whatever video was playing.

“So what’s the plan?” Drake asked as he yawned.

“I think we make a move. We kill him.”

I looked sharply over to Hail who wore a wicked smile on his face. Trent raised his brows and glanced at me. “I’m in. Fallon?”

I frowned and focused back on Tate. “Sure. I’m in. Tate?”

He didn’t even acknowledge me. He simply stared down at his phone, a hungry look in his eyes.

“Tate?” I called out.

“Tate, you in there?” Hail asked, a twinge of irritation in his voice.

When Tate didn’t look up, I decided I’d had enough. I’d never cared for him and had been wanting to kick his teeth in for a long ass time. Plus, I wanted to know what was so damn important on his phone.

In a swift move, I was on my feet and snatching his phone out of his hand.

He let out a bellow and dove after me as I darted away. Hail was quick to get between us as I stared down at the video he was watching.

My heart fell into my guts as I took in a feed of Bianca curled up on a mattress in a nearly bare room. Her blonde hair was tangled around her. She looked tinier, if that were possible. She wasn’t moving beneath her thin blanket. I couldn’t even tell if she was breathing.

“What the fuck have you done?” I snarled at him. “You stupid motherfucker!” I dropped the phone and lunged for him before anyone could move, my fist colliding with his jaw with a sickening crack. My sudden attack sent Hail off-kilter, causing him to stumble back.

Tate fell back against his chair, blood trickling from his nose, as he tried to right himself. I didn’t give him a chance to. I pulled my knife from my boot and held it at his throat, all the rage in the world rushing through my veins.

“What the fuck is happening?” Hail demanded, grabbing my arm as Tate stared up at me, hatred burning deep in his eyes. I shook Hail’s hand away and pushed my blade deeper against Tate’s throat.

“How long?” I snarled at Tate, ignoring Hail’s question. “How fucking long have you had her?”

“Fuck you,” he snapped back.

I pushed the blade harder, earning a drizzle of blood from his neck. He winced and swallowed.

“How. Fucking. Long?” I demanded.

“Jesus fuck,” Drake called out. I caught him scooping up Tate’s phone from the floor where I’d dropped it. “Are you fucking insane?”

“What is it?” Hail demanded as Tate swore and threatened me. Hail looked over Drake’s shoulder and cursed.

“The fuck, Tate?Youhave Bianca? You’re a fucking dead man.” Drake shook his head, pure anger washing over his face. “You’ve done fucked up, pal."

“For fuck’s sake,” Hail snapped, reaching for me again. I let the knife I kept in my jacket sleeve slide to my hand where I pointed it at Hail, poking him in the throat.

“Fuck, chill, Vasiliev,” Hail said, holding his hands up. “Let’s figure this out.”

“He has Bianca. She’s trapped in a little ass room,” I said. “There’s not much more to figure out than that.”

Tags: K.G. Reuss Kings of Bolten Erotic