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I hung my head, tears rolling down my cheeks. “That’s not true. They wouldn’t leave me. Dominic wouldn’t do that—”

“If it weren’t true, where are they? They’re the fucking kings. If they wanted to find you, they would. You’re a burden that’s out of their hair. I heard your fight with De Santis. You told him you didn’t want the marriage. Then you left.” He let out a soft laugh. “He really took it to heart. He’s gone, just like you.”

“You’re lying.” I swallowed down the bile threatening my throat. “Even if Dominic left, Vincent and Levin—”

“They don’t want you either. Rumor has it, Dom ordered them to walk away, and they did.” He studied me for a moment. “I’d never lie to you, Bianca. You’re mine. If you’re a good girl, I’ll treat you right. You’ll get to eat. Drink. Shower. Wouldn’t you like that? I’ll even give you a blanket, so you aren’t so cold. All you need to do is submit to me.”

“Never,” I whispered. “So just kill me and be done with it.”

He cradled my face. “Keep it up and I just might. I’ll cut your tits off after I fuck you and mount them to my wall. You have great tits.”

I snapped my face away from his, the nausea growing.

He laughed again and got up and backed away. “Drink your water. We’ll try the food thing again tomorrow.”

He walked out the door, the lock clicking closed behind him, letting me know he was gone.



The thought that my kings had moved on in such a short period of time kept me awake for most of what I assumed was the night. My heart was in such turmoil. I didn’t know if what Tate said was true, but I couldn’t imagine them just up and leaving me. Levin and Vincent never gave me an inkling of being angry, but I knew Dominic was. We’d had that fight. I’d upset him with my shitty words that I deeply regretted. I loved him so damn much. All of them.

But it would make sense if Dominic walked. I deserved that. I knew he was fighting a war from all sides. It would be so much easier to just leave me behind since I was such a pain in the ass to him. A liability.

I dry heaved into the toilet, my guts on fire from lack of food. I must have collapsed beside the toilet because I woke up hours later in Tate’s arms as he carried me back to the bed and laid me in it.

“Hungry?” he asked as he peered down at me in the cold room. The asshole hadn’t given me a blanket, and I swore it was negative degrees in there.

I shivered and nodded.

“You know what to do then,” he continued softly, kneeling beside the bed so we were eye level.

Everything within me told me to scream until the last bit of air left my lungs. To continue the starvation as a means of dying and being released from his clutches.

While my heart just wanted to die, my brain wanted to live. Maybe once I was out of here, I could apologize to Dominic and the kings for being who I was before I left for good. If Dominic really was getting our marriage annulled, I’d be free. I’d tell them how sorry I was that I wasn’t what they needed. I’d tell them I loved them. I’d disappear.

I’d never force my kings to stay with me. I knew it was a package deal, so if Dominic really was doing all the things Tate said he was, then Levin and Vincent would probably join him. That girl would have my life.

I both pitied her and envied her.

And hated her.

I didn’t know if it were real. If any of this was.

A tear slid down my cheek as I stared into Tate’s eyes. Maybe if I just played along, he’d let me out. He’d let his guard down.

I breathed out, confused out of my mind about what was happening, but I nodded at him, earning a large smile in return.

He sat forward slowly, making me swallow hard as I faced him. I waited for his lips to touch mine.

My heartbeat thundered in my ears.

When his lips met mine, everything left within me shattered. I’d broken so easily. I hated myself. I was weak. Dominic would hate how weak I was.

Tate deepened the kiss, his hand moving to my waist as he rose, his mouth fused to mine as he pushed my onto my back. I tensed as his hand traveled beneath my top.

I couldn’t. I couldn’t. I COULDN’T!

Tags: K.G. Reuss Kings of Bolten Erotic