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Levin aimed his gun at Tate. “Where’s our queen, Tater Tot?”

“Fuck you, Seeley. I don’t know shit. Not my fault you can’t keep track of your whore—”

His words were cut short because Dom backhanded him with the butt of his gun, knocking him to the floor, blood rushing from his nose.

“No one then? No one knows where my wife is. That’s really too bad.” Dom swung his gun back to Ivanov. “Do you pray, Mikhail? Now would be a good time to start.”

“Everyone out,” Levin shouted. “We own this school. You talk about tonight and you’re dead. It’s that simple. I already have a few extra graves dug.”

Students scurried out of the room, leaving only the lords behind.

“Knees. All of you,” Dom said.

The lords went to their knees, hands still raised.

Dom grabbed a chair and pulled it up and studied them.

“One of you has my wife. So one of you needs to tell me where to find her so I don’t have to kill all of you. It’s really very simple.”

“I told you we don’t have your wife, De Santis,” Ivanov hissed. “I haven’t seen her since lunch today in the commons. If she’s not with you, maybe check the nearest bus station. We all know she’s a runner.”

“Fallon, come on. You’re a good guy. Where’s B?” I asked, my aim on him.

“I don’t know, Valentino. And that’s the truth. If I had her, would I be here?”

That was a good point. If he had her, I imagined he’d be on the run with her. At least that was what I’d do if I were in his position.

“So no one knows?” Dom shook his head, his finger sliding onto the trigger. “That’s really too bad.”

“Wait. Fucking, wait, De Santis,” Ivanov shouted. “We don’t have her. We’ve been here all night. All of us. I-I think we have. But I never gave an order tonight to take her. I didn’t even know you were off campus. I fucking swear it.”

Dom studied him for a minute before nodding and getting to his feet. He walked to the door. Levin and I backed away and were through the door before Dom fired off a round.

It grazed past Ivanov’s head and blew out his bedroom window.

“Next time, I won’t give a warning shot,” he said. “Find my fucking wife or I’ll kill each and every one of you slowly. If one hair on her head is harmed, I will take it out on your flesh.”

He stalked past us and moved like a storm cloud down the hall, his gun still in his hand.

A security guard turned the corner and paled.

“Mr. De Santis—”

“I haven’t killed anyone. Yet.” He moved past the guard, Levin and I on his heels before he disappeared down the stairs and into the night.

We had our queen to find.



Igroaned as something sharp poked me in the side. Cracking my eyelids open, I saw a figure dressed in black standing over my bed.

I whimpered as I stared up at my worst nightmare.

Tate Riley.

“Welcome back,” he said, smiling down at me, an ugly, purple bruise spreading over his nose and beneath his eyes. It looked like maybe my kings had found him. He reached down and pulled the gag from my mouth.

Tags: K.G. Reuss Kings of Bolten Erotic