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He nodded. “So be it. For what it’s worth, I’m really sorry. I tried so fucking hard for it to work with the kings. I’m tired, Bianca. I’m always the guy who finishes last. The guy who gets fucked over. I’m done. I can’t be that guy anymore.”


He shoved his hand over my face, silencing me, as someone called his name.


“Vasiliev, where the fuck are you, man?Nu zhe.”

“When you get the chance, fucking run, Bianca. Because the next part won’t be pretty, and I don’t think I can save you. Got it?”

I stared up at him, my heart hammering hard. He shoved me, sending me crashing into the nook before he rushed away, leaving me in the darkness, trembling.

He was gone. I heard his greeting in Russian to Hail before the sound of their voices faded away as they moved on.

I swallowed hard and slid to my ass, tears trickling from my eyes.

He really was leaving. He was choosing to be a lord over being a king. He’d been pushed to the edge and took the leap.

Fallon was lost to me.

It was only a matter of time before Vincent got back to the room, Levin and Dominic in tow. Then hell would rain down on me if I wasn’t there.

Wiping my tears, I pushed myself to my feet and started down the alley to head back to the dorm, my heart completely shattered.

I was halfway to the dorm when someone grabbed me from behind.

Before I could shriek, a rag was pushed against my mouth and nose. I struggled against my attacker, my body growing weaker as I inhaled the fumes in the rag. My head spun. My heart lurched. He was strong. Too strong. But I fought, kicking and punching whatever I could.

Fallon was right. This part wasn’t pretty.

And I was gone.



Iswallowed down my drink as we sat in the dark club in town, pounding down drinks as we did our business deal with the horsemen.

“So. Beyers,” I asked, trying to keep my mind on business and not the fact that my wife didn’t want me anymore and my broken fucking heart. “How is that going?”

“Not good,” Fox muttered, throwing back a drink. “She’s out with Anson tonight.”

“Not alone,” E added in. “She’s with a large group doing stuff at the university. We’re picking her up when we’re done here. We also have eyes on her.”

“Well, at least they aren’t alone together,” I said. “Or do you think she would?”

“Oh, she would. She loves to defy us,” Cole said, shaking his head. “It’s absolutely sexy as fuck, but it’s also terrifying.”

“We have a tracker on her phone. We can see where she is,” Enzo added.

“There’s also one in the necklace I gave her,” Cole said, drinking more. “So even if she leaves her phone, she never takes off the necklace, so we’re good on location.”

“Sounds a little strict,” Vincent muttered, sitting as far from them as he could. I knew he was still on edge around them, but I’d come to believe they really weren’t terrible guys.

“And you’re not?” Cole laughed. “We’ve seen your girl. I’d have her ass on lockdown, twenty-four seven. Little wildcat.”

“Hell cat,” Levin corrected.

Tags: K.G. Reuss Kings of Bolten Erotic