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“You don’t mean it, right?” Vincent asked, worry on his face.

I sighed. “I don’t know. No. I don’t. I just want to be able to make my own decisions about having a baby and what I get to wear and eat. He doesn’t let go of controlling me. He’s driving me insane.”

“We’ll talk to him. Try to get him to understand,” Vincent offered gently. “Just don’t give up, OK?”

I nodded sadly.

I wouldn’t give up.

Not yet anyway.



Ididn’t see Dominic the rest of the evening. I swore to stay in the room and keep it locked. Aubrey was coming to hang out with me. The guys promised they’d only be gone for an hour or two tops.

It seemed good on paper.

Dominic stood by the door to Vincent’s room and watched Levin kiss me deeply before Vincent took his turn.

“We’ll be back soon, baby. Don’t leave. Promise me?” Vincent asked, his voice low.

“Promise. I’m not leaving.”

“Good.” He placed a fierce kiss on my forehead as Levin squeezed my hand. They both stepped away from me. I almost expected Dominic to kiss me, but he simply turned away and stepped out of the room, Levin and Vincent behind him.

Levin let out a sigh and shot me a look before closing the door, the lock clicking in place.

I threw myself back on Vincent’s bed and groaned.

When Dominic got back tonight, I’d go to him and apologize. I’d tell him I was just frustrated and didn’t mean it. That I loved him. That I needed him. Because I did. I was miserable without him.

I finally got up and grabbed a sandwich Vincent had brought me and ate it, waiting for Aubrey.

My phone buzzed, and I picked it up to see Fallon’s name on the screen and a text from him. My heart hammered a quick cadence in my chest as I opened the message.

Fallon: I miss you.

I breathed out, my fingers flying over the screen, hope in my chest that one problem might be fixed soon.

Me: I miss you too.

Fallon: I want to see you. To talk. Can you get away?

Me: Yes.

Fallon: Meet me in the alley. Ten minutes? Alone.

Me: Make it five.

I darkened my screen and swallowed as I stared at the camera in the corner of the room. I had no idea if it was recording. Levin had brought it over last week, citing it was good to have just in case. If I left and they were watching me, I’d be in a world of hurt.

It would be worth it though if I could get Fallon back with us.

My mouth went dry, and I quickly stuffed my feet into my black uniform shoes before leaving the room, my promise be damned. I was going to fix things.

I rushed down the hallway, my phone at my ear as I called Aubrey. Her phone went to voicemail.

Tags: K.G. Reuss Kings of Bolten Erotic