Page 69 of Brone

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But I knew that storming the Global Allegiance was a sure-fire way to get everyone l loved killed-including my Nara. Once they were done with her, and she had nothing and no one left, they would dispose of her, too.

There had to be a better way. “I think we need to gather everyone and listen to what Poe and Oz have to say. What they have planned will change the course of every cyborg and human who loves them. Poe and Oz have cyborgs they love in this room. They wouldn’t be proposing this plan if they didn’t believe that it stood a chance at succeeding. I trust them. Let’s give everyone the chance to hear what they have to say.”

Reaper met my eyes. “Fine.” He tapped his comm. “I need everyone in the great room in ten minutes. The very future of cyborgs and those they love is at stake.” Spinning on his boot heel, he marched out of Medical.

Oz walked up to me, squeezing my side in a tight hug. “Thanks, big guy.”

Poe rushed to the other side, grabbing my frame for all she was worth. “Yes, thank you. You know that we love you, and we want nothing more than to get your female back. You deserve to be happy, Brone.”

Oz and Poe’s heads barely came up to my waist, but they loved like giants. I squeezed them both to my frame, my chest drawing tight. “And I love you both. I am honored to call you my family.”

Oz swiped at her eyes. “Fuck. You cyborgs have turned me into a crier. Ugh.”

Poe laughed. “You’ll get used to it.”

“Only if you keep swearing like a sailor, bestie. If I cry, you must swear. That is the deal.”

“Maybe.” Poe’s smile slipped, and I felt her tremble slightly against the side of my frame. “Should we go face the firing squad?”

I hugged them both a bit tighter. “Don’t worry. I will be with you the whole time.”

Viper scowled. “What about me?”

“And me.” Dax’s brow furrowed. “We areyour cyborgs. It’s our job to protect you.”

“Don’t get your lab coat in a twist, Science Model. Your girl and I are just making sure we are bringing the big guns.” Oz winked at me, making Viper growl.

“I’ll show you big guns,” Viper grumbled. “I’ll hack that damn Tank Class’s processors and make him think he is the size of a chihuahua.”

“Try it, Technology Model. Let’s go. We have a whole rebellion and a room full of Lennox’s people to convince of your plan.”

I am coming, Nara. We will get you free. Just hold on.

I walked out, Poe and Oz wrapped around the sides of my frame, a very disgruntled Viper and Dax trailing behind us as Acer’s laughter followed us all the way to the great room.

When we arrived at the great room, it was already full to bursting. Cyborgs from the rebellion, Lennox’s cyborgs, and all the humans that made up our two groups had gathered, taking up nearly every couch, chair, and bit of floor space available.

I thought the roommust have been the crowning jewel of the whole complex. Exposed wooden beams crisscrossed the high ceiling and a huge stone fireplace stood waiting to greet you when you walked in. Logs were stacked together to make the walls, and wooden planks covered the floor. Fraying rugs were placed over the floor in certain places.

The whole room felt magnificent and cozy.It was as if the humans who had created it wanted you to initially be awed, and then once you settled in, the place would feel like home.

Lennox had yet to explain how she had found this place, but from the bits of history I had been able to discover, it had once been a resort for wealthy humans. Why they had abandoned it, I wasn’t sure, but standing here, I was happy they had.

Without it, the rebellion wouldn’t have had anywhere to go. We would still be lost in the woods, hurting, if Lennox hadn’t found us and brought us here.

These people had taken us in, and I knew the idea of them revealing their tiny slice of paradise would be hard for them to agree to. They had made a real home here. One that Oz and Poe’s plan would expose for all the world to see.

Letting go of me, they made their way through the crowd to the fireplace, standing in front of it. Oz cleared her throat and all eyes turned to her and Poe.

“Reaper called this meeting so that Poe and I could tell you the plan we have come up with. I know it’s going to sound insane, but please listen to it before you make up your mind.”

Poe took a deep breath. “We think it’s time to reveal to the world that cyborgs aren’t what the Global Allegiance has told them they are.”


Global Allegiance Headquarters

The Service Model used our joined hands to pull us toward the open doors. “M-m-master, I am sorry.”

Tags: Kelsey Nicole Price Paranormal