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“You all knew about this?” Dawn asks as she looks at the women with a big grin on her face which tells me that she won’t reject me when asked. I see Dakota shrug with a big smile on her face.

“Let’s get started,” King orders as he goes to stand near the fire. I let go of Dawn’s hand not having to explain to her what is to happen now. It is easier when our women knows that we are shifters and what to expect. Taking off all my clothes I go to stand before King, I am not looking forward to what is to come now but being mated is the most precious thing that any one of us can wish for.

Finding one’s mate isn’t easy, and not every shifter finds her. I know that I was upset with the fates initially but now I can’t think about running any longer and want to make sure that Dawn is by my side always. I have no doubt that life will not be easy, Dawn is not going to make it simple, but I have come to the realisation that the way that Dawn sees life is what makes her so special.

“Gunner, are you sure that Dawn is your mate?” King asks

“Yes,” I reply

“Will you stand by Dawn no matter the consequences, will you protect her from all harm and make sure that she is respected and loved above all else?” King’s words have me looking at him, above everyone else in our pack he knows how I have been struggling within myself and how finding my mate now has been messing with my head. I know that when he asks me this it is because he is making sure that I interiorise the fact that I will now be responsible for Dawn and that she will be the most important part of my life.

“I will.” I reply, turning my head to look at Dawn, the way she is looking at me has my body reacting in a way that I would rather it didn’t at this moment, but she is my woman and no matter what I am proud to show everyone that I want her.

Her cheeks are flushed with passion, as she gazes at me. “Dawn, do you promise to hold our secret and respect our rules?” I see dawn look at King in confusion when she hears her name.

“What?” Dawn asks in confusion which has the women laughing in humour.

“Pay attention Dawn,” King mutters in irritation.

“Umm, sorry.” She whispers her face flushing in embarrassment at me catching her gawking at me. I am pleased to know that my woman likes what she sees.

“I will repeat myself,” King states, a scowl on his face. “Dawn, do you promise to hold our secret and respect our rules?”

“Oh, is that what you asked.” Dawn mutters, “of course, you do know I’m from another pack don’t you.” She asks with a frown. Seeing Kings look of irritation I suspect he is tempted to roll his eyes. Without even knowing it a grin spreads across my face, a grin that hasn’t been there for many months.

“Do you agree to bond with Gunner,” King asks

“Yes, if he still wants to be with me.” She says looking at me in question, I have the feeling that she is expecting me to change my mind at any moment.

“Do you agree to listen to what your mate tells you and follow his direction.” King asks with a raised brow

Dawn frowns, I can tell by her worried expression that she is pondering over that question and that she doesn’t agree with what King has just asked of her. “Are you sure about that?” her question has king looking at her in surprise.

“About what?” he asks

“Well, you just asked me if I will follow Gunner’s direction, but he won’t always be right you know. What happens when he’s not right, you can’t expect me to follow his direction then.” She looks at him in confusion as she shakes her head, then looks at me. “You know that you aren’t always right, no matter how good you might think you are, don’t you?” I can’t help myself; I throw back my head and roar with laughter.

The look on King’s face is priceless, I’m sure that he is hoping that I will change my mind and say that I don’t want to mate with Dawn anymore. The others are all grinning in amusement as they too look at King.

“Gunner, do you agree to this?” King grunts in annoyance

“Yeah King, let’s continue.” I reply in amusement at seeing his disgruntlement. He approaches me, the flames of the fire reflecting in his eyes. Coming to stand behind me he places his hands on my shoulders, a minute later I grunt in pain as I feel his bite. On the side of my neck, fuck me, this is going to hurt like a motherfucker before it heels.

“May the flames of nature bond the two of you together and may this earth be kind to both of you.” King says as he steps back, I feel my body burning with heat radiating from where he bit me. My head is spinning from the energy flowing through my body. I hear someone say something but the sensations rushing through me obliterate the sounds until I feel a cool sensation on my chest.

“It’s okay Gunner,” the sound of my woman is like a balm soothing all the pain, soothing all the conflict within me. Focusing on her presence I see her beautiful face looking up at me, a look of concern adorning her features. I don’t want my woman to ever be worried, scared or in pain. Leaning forward I take her lips in a heated kiss that joins our two forces together.

“Let’s leave these two alone, everyone up to the club the women have prepared us a feast.” King orders, giving me the impression that he is more than happy to get away from the two of us. I don’t complain as I wrap my arms around Dawn pulling her close against me, her body flush against mine. Her softness a balm against my hardness. The difference of our bodies an amazing contrast, her porcelain skin against my tanned tones.

“You have too many clothes on.” I mutter as my hands stroke up her back feeling the fabric roll up in my fists. I want my woman now, but I am also way to possessive to take the chance of anyone else seeing my woman in her naked glory. Leaning down I take her in my arms making sure that she is close.

“Where are we going?” she asks glancing over her shoulder as I start making my way towards the cottage.

“To be alone,” I reply kissing her forehead. Her arms slide around my neck as she lays her head against my chest. The feel of her smallness in my arms, her fragile body against mine is a miracle. Anyone looking at the two of us would say that my woman is a delicate flower, but they wouldn’t dream of the destruction that this angel can create.

Opening the door to the cottage I step inside closing the door behind us with my foot. I don’t hesitate as I walk towards the bed. Laying Dawn on the bed I see her beautiful eyes gazing up at me in passion. My woman is a fiery creature filled with awe of everything that she’s not seen or done before. I know that I will soon be looking at the world in a different way because anyone that has been around Dawn for any amount of time is touched by her beauty and free spirit.

Stepping back, I look at her hair spread out on the pillow, her hands facing down and flat on the bed. Her chest rising and falling with her rapid breathing. “Are you nervous?” I ask sensing for the first time that she is anxious about our coupling.

Tags: Alexi Ferreira Wolverine MC Paranormal