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“What is happening?” King asks as he arrives with Frost.

“Whoever was here hit Gunner over the head and took off with Dawn.” Fang updates, inclining his head towards me he continues. “Gunner was unconscious a few minutes ago but is revving to go and find the trespasser.”

“Where are the others?” King asks a scowl on his face.

“They trying to catch the scent, when we went over the wall the scent disappeared. We think whoever it was, had a vehicle hidden on the outside and is now gone.” Dixon states

“I’ll go.” Frost mutters as he turns to leave, I immediately step forward to stop him. Frost has ways of finding people that none of us do, he is also a cold killing machine. If he finds the person that took Dawn, there won’t be anything for anyone else.

“I’m going with you!” I state and see Frost frown. Frost is a loner and prefers to keep to himself instead of joining the pack, but I won’t give him a choice, Dawn is my mate and come hell or high water I am going to go and find her.

Grunting in annoyance he nods it is clear that he’s reluctant but at least he didn’t refuse. As we start making our way towards the wall, I hear King. “I want this fucker found, and the girl better be intact we don’t need any more heat.”

I hadn’t thought of the killer that is on the loose, the thought that Dawn might be with him has my body stiffening with dread. No, it can’t be possible, the fates wouldn’t bring me my mate only to take her away before I can bond with her. Rage explodes through my body, I growl in fury, my head thrown back, my muscles tensing, preparing for the change to my wolf.

“Don’t you fucking lose it now; we need to find your woman before anything can happen to her. You lose control and I will knock your ass out.” Frost’s low furious tone has me focusing, my breathing slow as I try to take long deep breaths to calm myself. Frost is right, if I lose control now, I doubt I will find the will to change back into my human side again. My mate would be lost to me, my humanity would be lost to me because I would lose complete control and the pack would have to hunt me down and stop me.

Frost is standing before me, his hands low on his hips as he glares at me in anger. I know that Frost doesn’t threaten aimlessly, if he says something he will do it. “I’m fine,” I grunt, my voice still an animalistic growl then a human sound but Frost seems to understand as he turns his back on me and continues to walk around looking closely at the ground.

“Find anything?” Goliath asks as he approaches from the East.

“There are tyre tracks from here, they lead that way.” Frost reveals surprising me as I never noticed the tracks, evidence of how useless I am at the moment if I don’t calm down and concentrate. “We can follow them until they get onto a road, then it will nearly be impossible to follow.” Frost says looking at me.

“We better get started; time is of the essence.” Goliath says walking alongside the tyre tracks, “I wonder what the hell he was doing in our land?”

“Did you see anything?” Frost asks looking at me, I can hardly think right now with the red haze of fury filling my mind, but I squeeze my eyes shut for a minute trying to block out the pain and fury that are on the forefront.

“All I saw was a man’s boots when I fell to the ground, they looked like Caterpillars with dark blue jeans.” I can’t believe the fucker got Dawn from right under my nose.

“We will find her.” Goliath states as he places his hand on my shoulder as he walks past.

“I’m going to take my bike and ride up and down the road to see any tyre marks leading off somewhere.” I state as I turn to make my way back towards the club, I need to be doing something more than just walking around. The thought that whoever took Dawn might be hurting her is driving me fucking crazy.

“Your woman is a real firecracker; don’t worry she will defend herself.” Frost suddenly says capturing my attention. I didn’t even realize that he was accompanying me.

“That’s the problem, she will drive the fucker crazy until he will hurt her.” My statement has Frost shaking his head.

“Your woman seems much smarter than you are giving her credit for.” Frost states with a shrug, “She might just confuse him enough that he thinks she planned her own abduction.” Frost straight faced comment actually calms some of my anger as I envision the man pulling his hair in frustration.

“She is fiery,” I murmur as I make my way into the workshop to get my Harley.

“She is just what you needed.” Frost states as he too sits on his motorcycle.

I make my way down the road, the roar of the Harley a beating like the sound of my heart. A fear gripping my stomach and not letting go. I look at every track, every overturned rock on the side of the road as we ride past hoping against hope that we find fresh tracks soon. Why didn’t I bond with her earlier? If she was already my bonded mate, I would be able to sense her when we get closer, but like this I am riding blind.

“Where are you?” I whisper, hoping against hope that we will find her unharmed. I won’t allow myself to think of her harmed, if she gets hurt it will be my fault for having dragged her out of the club and into the woods.

My wolf is fighting for release, fighting to come out and destroy everything until it finds its mate. I know that the others will be in their wolf form looking for scents and tracks that they can follow, but I can’t even do that, because if I change, I might never be strong enough to change back. Shaking my head brusquely I growl, what good am I as a mate when I’m fighting myself constantly.

Just before we enter Town, Frost pulls over. I slow down and stop behind him, looking around, we have stopped at the crossroads, here the fucker could have turned anywhere. I see Frost lifting his phone to his ear, a few minutes later he is leaning forward and heading left.

“Where are we headed?” I ask as I ride up beside him.

“They picked up a van headed this way.” Frost calls

I completely forgot about the cameras we had installed at the intersection, when the Elementals MC came to help us with the serial killer, they suggested a few things for us to try and capture the fucker, the cameras were one of them.

“Could we see the driver?” I ask hoping for a break, but Frost shakes his head.

Tags: Alexi Ferreira Wolverine MC Paranormal