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His touch has ignited a hunger in me that has me breathless. I raise my hands, sliding my fingers through his hair, giving him what he initiated. Everything around me disappears, and the only thing that is real at the moment is Gunner and the feel of him. His strong hands slide around my body pulling me close to him, I can feel his hard body rubbing against mine driving me to a frenzy of lust.

I gasp as I feel his fingers sliding up under my t-shirt lifting it off, the cooler air touching my skin, his lips now kissing down my neck to the strap of my silky bra. My nails dig into his back when his teeth close around the strap and pull. I throw back my head, closing my eyes at the sensation of his warm breath on my skin. The sudden pull ripping the strap, the tearing sound heightening the excitement. My breasts escape their confinement to be captured in Gunner’s strong hands. “Mmmm” he murmurs as he strokes my nipples.

“You’re beautiful,” his words sound as if from faraway as my concentration is focused on the sensation of his fingers playing with my pebbled nipples. I don’t know how long we stand in the middle of the woodlands, Gunner worshiping my breasts, me melting in pleasure with each stroke of his knowledgeable fingers before he is stepping back to look down at me, his eyes a furnace of pleasure burning with passion. Every stroke of his inflamed gaze intensifying the need for him.

“Do you want this?” his intense voice a sign of his heightened senses.

“Yes,” I have never been one to think of consequences, I’m not going to start now. The minute the word is out of my mouth his hands are circling my hips and he is lifting me up against him. My legs entwine around his waist holding him close to me as he starts carrying me deeper into the woods. I have no idea where he is taking me, but I’m not worried as all I want at the moment is to be with Gunner. My arms around his neck I lay my head on his shoulder taking in his masculine scent. Sighing I close my eyes enjoying this feeling of closeness, this feeling of being protected.


Arriving at the cottage I stop outside, my arms tightening around Dawn. The feel of her body feeling familiar in my arms, a feel of intense protection filling me. I know that Dawn is a handful, she will drive me crazy more times than not but having her close to me feels right, I feel like life is once again at rights with me. I know that it’s a fleeting feeling and that soon my wolf will be at odds with me again, but for now I’m at peace.

A rustling sound to my left has me tensing, my head lifts to scent the air. The hairs on the back of my neck rise, something isn’t right. “What’s wrong?” Dawn asks in a drowsy voice, her head raising as she looks around.

“Shhht” I whisper as I continue scanning the area.

“Someone is looking at us.” Dawn says close to my ear. My heart is racing my anger rising at the sense of danger.

“Go inside the Cottage, close the door and don’t come out unless I come for you.” I order as I slide Dawn down my body, taking her hand I walk towards the cottage door, opening it I scan the interior before stepping aside and letting her step inside.

“Where are you going?” she asks breathlessly as she looks over my shoulder at the darkness behind me.

“I’m going to scan the area, don’t worry, go inside and lock the door behind you.” I

Order as I turn to leave, only to feel her hand on my arm holding me back, her grip tight, her nails digging into my flesh. “Don’t go, what if it’s a trespasser.” She whispers, the concern in her voice touches me in a way that is new to me. Raising my hand I stroke her cheek gently, feeling the softness of her skin under my touch.

“Don’t worry, I’ll be fine. The person is most probably long gone by now.” I assure, “now get inside and I’ll come back soon.” I incline my head to the interior waiting until she’s inside and I hear the door locking. As soon as I’m sure she’s safe I am charging into where I sensed someone, the closer I get the stronger a scent starts to strengthen. Taking my phone out of my back pocket I dial King’s number.

“Yeah” King answers

“Someone’s in the property, I’m tracking the scent.” I reply as I continue tracking.

“Where are you?” King asks

“At the cottage, just left Dawn inside and I’m following the scent south.” I update

“We will be with you shortly; I will get someone on Dawn.” King’s assurance has me relaxing to know that Dawn will shortly have someone keeping her safe while I’m not there to protect her. The scent is becoming stronger the closer I come closer to the property fencing. Something isn’t right, everything is very quiet, my senses are on high alert. When I get to the fence I look around, something isn’t right, the scent is stronger here but…a flashing pain explodes in my head like a bolt of lightning.

My knees give way under me, I start falling, my body hits the ground, and I can feel myself start to lose consciousness. There are a pair of men’s boots stepping close to where I’m lying, I want to look up, want to see who it is but my vision blurs and then there is only darkness.


“Gunner…Gunner,” the sound of my name is coming as if from far, someone is shaking me. I start to open my eyes, pain shooting through my skull.

“Fuck brother, when I saw you laying here, I thought you were dead.” Blue says from next to me as he assists me in sitting up.

“Shit, my head is splitting.” I grunt as I raise my hand to the back of my head. “Motherfucker was downwind, I didn’t scent him close.” I mutter

“We didn’t find anyone.” Dixon calls as he approaches with Fang besides him, “whoever it is, the tracks deepened after leaving here which tells us that he was carrying a significant weight.” Dixon and Fang are looking at me as if I should know what the fucker was carrying.

“There were smaller foot tracks coming from the cottage to here, those tracks disappear from here.” At first, I frown and then the realization of what they are saying dawns on me, the fury is blinding as I realize that they are saying that Dawn was taken by whoever hit me over the head.

Jumping up from where I was sitting on the ground, I ignore the pain shooting through my head, he is dead. The fucker that thinks he can take my mate without any consequences is going to learn that I protect what is mine.

“Relax Bro, your head must be splitting.” Dixon calls placing his hand on my shoulder, but I shrug it away.

“Fuck that, I’m going to find her.” I growl close to losing my shit, I have been holding on to my sanity for so many months now, but the realization that whoever was here took my woman from right under my nose has every fibre of my being rebelling, every nerve igniting into a frenzy of action. I want to rave and rant; I want to destroy someone.

Tags: Alexi Ferreira Wolverine MC Paranormal