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The hammock twisted, but she didn’t care. She didn’t care about anything but the way he made her feel. “I was supposed to get distance from you.”

Alex leaned back enough to meet her gaze even as he kept fucking her slowly, thoroughly with his fingers. “Do you still want space, sweetheart?”

“No,” she breathed. It took two tries to concentrate enough to keep speaking. “I want you to make me come…” She licked her lips. “And then I want to suck your cock.”

His body went tight and still against hers. “What the lady wants, the lady gets.” He towed her back down to claim her mouth and then slipped his free hand between them to tug her bottoms to the side so he had access to her clit. Alex surrounded her, overwhelmed her, claimed her, and she couldn’t do anything but writhe against him as she kissed him with everything she had. Speaking words that had no business being voiced.

Yes, yes, yes.

Don’t stop.

Please don’t ever stop.

Even as part of her wanted to hold out, even after such a short time, Alex already knew her body too well. She came with a cry that he kissed from her lips and then he gentled his touch, bringing her back down to earth. It took the edge off, but only barely. And, this time, she wasn’t leaving him high and dry.

Kendall ended up needing his help to climb out of the hammock safely, and Alex kept himself between her and the rest of the beach as she adjusted her swimsuit with shaking hands. It felt even more indecent than it had when she put it on this morning. Her blood pounded through her body with each heartbeat. Demanding more. Needing him.

She urged Alex back onto the hammock, but this time sitting sideways so his feet rested on the ground. Kendall sank to her knees in front of him and licked her lips. “I’ve been thinking about this a lot.”

“Oh yeah?” His voice came out strained and knowing she was the reason made her shiver.

“Yeah.” She hooked her fingers into the top of his swim trunks and worked them down far enough to free his cock. As she dipped down, Alex sank his hands into her hair and gathered it up away from her face. Giving her free range of motion. Giving him a clear view of everything she planned on doing.

She gave him a cautious stroke, but she was too impatient. Kendall licked her lips again and flicked her tongue out to taste him. He was so warm and smooth and hard and… Yeah, she needed more. She gave up on teasing and sucked him down hard, earning a strangled curse from Alex. His obviously fracturing control only made her needier, and so she gave herself over to sucking his cock. Her world narrowed down to the warm sand beneath her knees, to the coiled muscles of his thighs against her hands as he fought to hold still, to swallowing down as much of his hard length as she could. Over and over again.

His grip tightened in her hair. “Sweetheart, you keep doing that and I’m going to come.”

Good. She recognized the warning, though. Kendall forced herself to slow down and lift her head. Say what you want and I’ll give it to you. She gave him another lick. “Come in my mouth, Alex.”

“Fuck,” he growled. “You sure?”

“Yes.” She didn’t give him a chance to argue further. Kendall resumed her pace, sucking him down deep and withdrawing almost all the way, only to repeat the action. His hips began moving the slightest bit, rising to meet her descent, as if he couldn’t help himself. She loved that. She loved the exact moment his control splintered, loved what came next. And then he was coming in great spurts that she eagerly drank down.

“That’s right, sweetheart. Suck me, Kendall. Fuck.” His fingers became a gentle cage around her head as he finished, and Kendall had never felt more powerful than she did in the moment she looked up and found him staring dazedly at her.

It didn’t last long.

Alex’s brows slammed down and he hauled her to her feet. She started to protest but he laid a kiss on her lips and then turned around to push her into the same position he’d just occupied. Half a second to shove his cock back into his swim trunks and then he was on his knees. Kendall started to sit up, but he pressed a hand flat against her stomach, stopping her. “I’m not done.”

She should stop this now. She’d come. He’d come. They should… She didn’t know. Something. But Kendall’s blood heated at the way Alex’s gaze raked over her possessively. He pulled at the strings on one side of her bottoms, undoing it. A tug and he bared her pussy.

Tags: Katee Robert Romance