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He stepped out onto the deck and took a long breath. They’d moved south far enough to leave behind the cold of the upper East Coast, and the sun seemed so much bigger here. Warmer. Closer to what it was like at home. He considered calling the bar again, but Cherry had stopped answering after the third call today, when she told him she had it handled and to kindly fuck right off. He wished it was that easy.

Alex moved from one deck to another, a meandering path that he’d have to end at some point. He should check in with Lucas, though his friend hadn’t responded when he’d knocked on his door earlier. Maybe Lucas actually was getting in on some of the party cruise action. Good for him. Alex actually kind of hoped he was, because it would make his leaving in Orlando easier if Lucas had a reason to stay on the ship.

He stopped short, his attention landing on the woman hidden beneath an atrocious hat. Even without seeing her long dark hair, he recognized Kendall. He had the sudden thought that he’d recognize her anywhere, but that was bullshit. It had to be. He barely knew this woman.

Even as he told himself to keep walking, to not linger where he wasn’t wanted, Alex drank in the sight of her in a bright red bikini. Her skin was pale enough that either she didn’t get out much, or she religiously applied sunscreen. He suspected it was a combo. The empty chairs on either side of her held a bag and a towel, as if she wanted to reserve them for some of her friends. Judging from the way her skin glistened, she’d been out here for quite some time.

Something twisted in his gut at the thought of this woman waiting for people who never showed. She already felt like a person who stood apart. She didn’t need more isolation.

Alex veered toward her before he could think of all the reasons it was a bad idea. She looked up as he sank onto the chair next to her and groaned. “Oh god, I thought this couldn’t get any more embarrassing, and then you show up to prove me wrong. Again. Is that a super power of yours? Because it’s a really crappy one to have.”

He blinked. Her words weren’t quite slurring, but she’d just spilled them as if they were a river inside her, instead of biting them out like she normally seemed to do in his presence. “You doing okay?” Alex asked carefully.

“That’s a stupid question.” She flopped back onto her lounge chair, her large hat temporarily concealing her entire face.

He took the opportunity to lean down and sniff her drink. Something fruity that most definitely had alcohol in it. A lot of alcohol.

“What are you doing?”

Alex lifted his head. From this angle, he was looking up at her and… Damn, Kendall really was something. Her cheeks were rosy, whether from drink or the heat, and she pursed her lips at him in a disapproving frown he suddenly wanted to kiss off her face. “How long have you been drinking?” The juice in there wouldn’t be enough to combat the alcohol and heat when it came to hydration, and the sugar just fucked stuff up more.

“I’m on a party cruise, Alex.” She waved a wobbling hand at the rest of the deck. It was still early enough that most people out there were either hungover and recovering or just getting started, so the deck was still half deserted. “I’ve watched no fewer than four couples have sex in the last two hours. Honestly, you’d think they’d be worried about sunburn or people knowing exactly what they’re doing under that towel, but nope. They just go at it. It’s a party cruise.”

“Yeah, you mentioned that.”

She hiccupped. “I’m just embracing the party, since I don’t have another freaking choice.”

Wow, she was totally wasted. “Kendall, how long have you been out here?”

“I don’t know. A while.”

He’d seen her in the gym hours ago. Surely she hadn’t come straight here? Shit. Alex looked around, but no one materialized who seemed to know her. No, her friends would be no help right now. “We need to get you some water and out of the sun.” Some food wouldn’t hurt, either, depending on how her stomach handled the water.

“I’m fine.”

“Tell me that again when you stand up.” He pushed to his feet and held out a hand. “Come on. If you keep going, you’re going to be in a world of hurt for the rest of the day and most of the night. You need a nap.”

“Is that a euphemism?” She stumbled over the word, rolling it over her tongue until she found its shape. “Because I am not sure I want to have sex with you right now?”

Tags: Katee Robert Romance