Page 5 of Curvy Co-Star

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I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror as I pull my jeans over my hips. My stomach, soft and slightly jiggly hangs over the waistband of my panties. Not a lot, but enough. It’s a reminder that Archer Bain isn’t the kind of man who’d fall for someone like me. I’ve seen his pictures on the red carpet. He’s dated Hollywood’s A-list actresses, for Christ’s sake. This is a working relationship and that’s all.

I zip up my jeans, throw my cardigan over my t-shirt, and grab my bag before heading out the door. I don’t make it ten feet into the night air before I hear my name. When I turn, I’m surprised to find Archer, People Magazine’s sexiest man of the year, jogging over to me. My heart skips a beat seeing him, hearing my name come from his lips. I’m already deep into my fantasy. Isn’t it okay to keep it running for just a while longer?

When he reaches me, he smiles. “I wanted to catch you before you left for the day. You were great. All of your scenes were so funny. The crew was legit laughing out loud.”

“They were?” I can’t believe what I’m hearing. I felt a little off during my scenes.

“They had to cover their mouths so they wouldn’t ruin the take.” He shrugs and licks his delicious full lips. “That’s a win in my book.”

“Awesome.” I say, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. Yes, I’m flirting. Sue me! “Thanks for telling me. I appreciate the encouragement.”

“I wouldn’t say it if it wasn’t true.” My breath leaves my body gazing into his mesmerizing blue eyes. A beat passes between us, and I’m about to call it. Luckily, I don’t have to. “Do you want to go and grab a drink?” Archer’s shoulders are again up by his ears, making his arms flex hard and strong.

“Um…” I’m about to scream yes, but shock steals my words.

“If you have plans, I get it.”

“I don’t.” I say a little too quickly. “Well, I was going to go over tomorrow’s shooting script.” Disappointment furrows Archer’s brow. “But, we can do that over drinks. I mean, you’re in pretty much all of my scenes.”

“Cool.” We turn to walk and his hand grazes my lower back. He moves it away as quickly as he placed it there. “You’ll have to pick a spot, though. I still don’t know New York.”

“You L.A. people.” I shoot him a fake eye roll and scrunch my nose up.

“Please, we’re not near as bad as New Yorkers.”

I gasp, only half faking. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

“No offense, but you guys think you’re better than everyone else. All artsy-fartsy, and in love with the theatre.” He uses a fake British accent to ground his point, throwing his arm out in front of us, his tricep tight as a pro football player’s.

“That’s not fair. Some of us just prefer people who are overt assholes over the glazed filter of California’s fake kindness.”

“Wait, are you saying thatI’mfake?” His finger darts to the deep groove between his pecs.

My panties drench, wishing it were my hands against his rock hard chest. I shake the thought away, and instead focus on my purple Doc Martens hitting the pavement in a heel-ball-toe motion. “I haven’t decided yet.” I keep my voice steady, but let my eyes dart in his direction. The line of his jaw seems more pronounced in the shadow of the street lights.

“That hurts.” His hand presses against the deep groove between his pecs. My center twitches at the thought of touching him again. Today’s kiss left me wanting so much more. If the director hadn’t walked in, I don’t know how far we would’ve gone. I do know that I wouldn’t have stopped him. I would’ve let Archer have his way with me however he wanted. My knees turn to jello just thinking about it.

“Let’s go to Lucy’s.” I say, as we round the corner of the park and turn onto Avenue A. “It’s a total dive.”

“It’s not super crowded is it?”

“Not usually. Are you sensitive to crowds, Captain Los Angeles?”

“No, I just usually don’t go out.” His mouth twists, gaze falling to the ground. “People think they know me because I’m a movie star, or whatever.”

“Notwhatever,Archer, you are a movie star.”

“Fine.” He throws his hands up. “It’s not all it’s cracked up to be. You’ll find out if this show takes off. Being famous takes away a huge level of personal privacy. Everyone wants a piece of you.”

“It beats feeling like a shadow.”

“What do you mean?”

“No one ever sees me.” My bluntness surprises me. “When I told my mom I wanted to be an actress, she put me on a diet. She said the only way anyone would notice me is if I were skinny. Hell, the last casting director I auditioned for pulled me aside on my way out and told me I might want to lose a few, because—and I quote—thin is in.”

Archer’s jaw clenches. “He said that?”

“Shesaid that.”

Tags: Flora Madison Curves in the City Erotic