Page 3 of Curvy Co-Star

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“I know. So, get into a cab ASAP. Ya dig?”

My hand slaps against my mouth. I still cannot believe this is actually happening. “Yeah, I totally dig.”

I move in what feels like hyper speed. My fingers fumble with my hairbrush. I get soap in my eye. I even accidentally step on my cat, Sophie’s tail. To be fair, if she understood English, she’d know I was a nervous wreck and that I didn’t mean to hurt her. I grab my keys and am able to hail a cab right outside my door, which is a great omen considering it’s nearly rush hour.

Thirty-five minutes later, I’m standing on Forty-fifth and Ninth Avenue in Hell’s Kitchen. In truth, the subway would’ve been faster, but mama’s got a job now! I smooth my shirt against my jeans and head into the building. The doorman points me to the fifteenth floor.

The elevator doors open in the middle of the hallway. Offices line the corridor on both sides, and I’m not sure where I’m headed. I unlock my phone to check Laura’s email, step off of the elevator, and BAM! I run into something, better yet, someone. Before I have time to process what’s happening, two strong hands grip the sides of my arms.

My head flies up and there he is. Standing before me, in the flesh, is Archer Bain. My mouth bobs open and closed, partly out of surprise, but mostly out of shock. He’s even more gorgeous in person than he is on the big screen. He wears his dark blonde hair long and pushed back away from his face, which serves to accentuate his intense, bright blue eyes. An audible gasp escapes my mouth as I find myself lost in them, unable to look away. His square jaw clenches before one side of his full lips curls into a half smile.

“Well, well.” The crinkles at the corners of his eyes give him a mischievous look. “If it isn’t my new co-star.” He leans in toward me causing my body to stiffen like I’m twelve years old and it’s my first boy/girl dance. Then he plants two soft kisses on the sides of my face. His scent—sandalwood with the slightest hint of patchouli—lingers in the air around me, even after he’s pulled back.

“You’re Archer Bain.” I sound like an idiot, but he’s a freaking movie star. Not to mention my first crush.

His smile lights up the room. “Just Archer’s fine. Or Arch.” He wiggles his hands into the pockets of his jeans. “Up to you.” He shrugs, causing his shoulders to pop and flex through his plain white T-shirt. My panties melt on the spot. I hope to God I’m not visibly shaking. Archer Bain, of recent, has become the industry's biggest action star. I figured he’d be buff, but I didn’t expect he’d bethismassive. His corded arms are inked from elbow to wrist. Even beneath his shirt, I can make out tattoos strewn across his chest.

I immediately undress him with my mind. Ripping that shirt right off so that I can run my fingers all over his shredded torso. Dig my fingernails into his back. Pull him close enough to feel him pressing up against me.

I don’t know how, but I find my voice. “It’s nice to meet you, Archer.” Heat rushes through every cell in my body. It’s hell on earth, but I’m managing to control myself…barely.

“You’re here for the fitting.” It’s not a question. “I’ll walk you there.” He tips his head in the direction we’re heading. Our shoes squeak against the tile floor beneath us. This is all happening so fast. Hours ago, I was dreading having to go wait tables tonight. Now, I’ve got this gorgeous movie star walking me to my job on a television show.

Pinch me, I must be dreaming!

“And you’re good to start shooting tomorrow?” His low voice is softer than it is in his films. “I know it’s quick, but we had a hard time finding you.” MY head flicks in his direction. “Finding the right actress for this role, that is. Then we saw you, and here we are.”

Archer stops and turns to face me, staring down at me with those crystal clear blue eyes. His head is nearly parallel with the doorframe we’re standing by. A big man like him makes me feel like a delicate freaking flower, and I can’t shake the thought of being overpowered by him.

“Yes,” my voice cracks. “Here we are.”

A smile spreads across his face, warm and genuine, followed by a little huff of air from his nostrils. “No, I mean here we are.” He points to the door. On it, a hand written sign reads the word ‘fitting room’ along with today’s date.

“Oh my God.” Now it’s my turn to laugh. My face shifts from peach to red and I bring my hand up to cover my embarrassment. “Yes we are.”

“It was nice to officially meet you, Billie.” His voice drops, and so do his eyes. They trickle up and down my body.Oh my God is he checking me out?“I’m excited to work together.”

“Likewise.” I press my hands together in front of me, unable to control the flirty swaying of my upper body.

Archer nods and turns away as I reach for the doorknob. I try to control myself, but I’m weak. I throw a final glance over my shoulder as he’s walking away, only to find that Archer Bain is staring right back.



It’s the first time in fifteen years that I’ve been nervous coming to set. The hair and makeup artist—HMU for short—fiddles with my hair as I flip through today’s shooting script. I can’t believe this is the first scene we’re shooting.

Maybe it was Wren’s idea; he insisted on directing the pilot episode. I tried to fight him on it, as he’s not exactly the best communicator, but I’ve learned to pick my battles. I plan to take on that role if we get picked up for series. My hands sweat as I flip to the last page. I can’t tell if it’s from pure nerves or complete anticipation. The first scene I’ll be shooting with Billie, is the make out scene.

Because this woman doesn’t already send my heart racing into the danger zone. Because her lavender smell doesn’t drive insane. Because she isn’t theonlything I’ve been thinking about since the minute I fucking saw her. Now I have to deal with controlling myself around her while an entire crew watches us make out. Grant me strength.

“I think we’re done.” Gracie, the HMU woman, plants her hands on her hips and admires her work in the mirror. When I look up, I notice the thin bead of sweat lining my upper lip. Billie’s done a number on me. At least it won’t be hard to pretend that I’m madly in love with her like the script says.

“Looks great.” I admire my hair on both sides. “Thanks, Gracie.”

“No problem.” She leans forward and whispers in my ear. “I had a good subject.” A knock on my trailer door saves me. I’m used to women blatantly flirting with me, but it’s not cool to do it while I’m working. Unfortunately for her, that may have just cost her a job.

“Could you get the door?” My voice is harsh. Gracie doesn’t answer, but does as she’s told. Sunlight streams in through the open door, and at first I can’t see who’s on the other side.

Tags: Flora Madison Curves in the City Erotic