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“Look, I love this company and I want to keep working for it, but in order to do that I can’t keep working for you.” I don’t meet his eyes when I say it, because I’m weak. Because if he looks in my eyes and tells me the sweet little lies that I want to hear: that he was drunk, he was swept up with desire, that he wants me so badly he could die, I’ll give in and get destroyed, both my heart and my opportunity.

“I’ll put you in any department that you’d like.” He nods his head as he speaks. “But it has to be entry-level. Those are the rules I set when I first started here.”

“I understand.” I say. A long pause passes between us. I don’t know why I expect him to say. When it’s finally too much for me to bear, I break it wide open. “I’m happy to finish out the day here with you until you reassign me.”

Rex nods, and heads toward his office. Once he’s in the doorframe, he turns back around to face me. “I am sorry, Hope. I was out of line.” His mouth hangs open, like he has more to say. I wait for it, wondering what it could possibly be, but at the last minute he heads into his office and closes the door.

I sit at the desk and collapse my head in my hands. I blame myself. I should’ve said no to drinks. Once I’ve gathered myself I pull out the drive with the program and I plug it into the company computer. It’s not the whole she-bang but at least I can make the most of my time today and finish up some loose ends. I’m not leaving this office today until Rex understands what a commodity I am to his company.

Even if his blatant attempt at seducing me while vulnerable didn’t quite go as he’d planned. It doesn’t matter. Tech Magic is where I belong. I’m not going to let a womanizing boss stand in my way, especially when there are other routes to take that lead to the same destination.



A gigantic trafficjam on Park Avenue has the whole place in gridlock. Horns are blaring ten stories below and all I can do is stand here and watch. God only knows what Hope thinks of me. I shouldn’t have taken that step but she’s so irresistible. The worst part about all of it is now I want her more than ever, but is it a good idea to tell her? I look like an asshole, when all I want to do is make her mine and take care of her for the rest of her life.

I too spent my life behind computer screens. It’s not always the easiest for me to conjure up the right words to express how I’m feeling. I know I should go out there and tell her how I feel, but that may just make her even weirder about it. “Hey, I’ve known you for one day but I think I want to spend the rest of my life with you.”

I pull back from the glass window, contemplating those last words. Where the hell did that even come from? I want to spend time with her, kiss her, fuck her senseless, but marry her? That’s berserk. I just met the woman and besides I’m already married…to my company. Still, I can’t just let her walk out of here without some sort of explanation.

A knock on the door pulls me from my thoughts. Hope peers her head in the door. She looks like I feel. I barely slept last night wondering how to broach all of this with her, especially when she wants to be here so badly. “You have a lunch meeting at noon, don’t forget.” She says. The smile I love seeing is absent.

She starts to close the door.

“Hope.” I say before she has the chance. “Can you pop in here for just a second.” She hesitates, then opens the door wide and moves further into my office. Her long dress hugs every curve just like it should. Doesn’t she understand what she does to me? How out of control I am around her. I’ve never kissed an employee, especially one that’s got my heart in a twist. I’m treading in unfamiliar territory, here.

“Please close the door.”

“I don’t know if that’s such a good idea—”

“Hope. Close the door.” Her lips part in surprise. “Please.” Her stance softens and I conjure up the strength to be as honest with her as possible as the door clicks shut. “I take full responsibility for what happened last night.” I say.

“No,” she says. “That’s not fair. It takes two to tango.”

So, maybe she did want it, too. It’s not that I feel rejected. But, I’m certain that this puts her in a tight spot and that’s the last thing that I want. “I just wanted to say…”If only I can find the words.What’s making it harder are her gigantic doe eyes, red and tired staring at me like I just killed her best friend. “That you…will be a great asset to the Tech Magic family. I’d hate to lose you over one stupid night.”

“One stupid night.” She repeats, nodding her head. “Yes, of course.”

“That’s not what I meant.”If I can get these words out.“Hope, I don’t regret kissing you. Not for a second.” Her eyes widen and I take a step toward her. “I’ve wanted to kiss you from the moment that I saw you. You’re the most beautiful, drop dead sexiest woman I’ve ever seen. It’s like you were made for me.”

Hope wrings her hands in front of her. She doesn’t say a word and I feel like a total fool for letting this come out of my mouth, but it’s how I feel. “That’s why you have to transfer, it’s not because I don’t want to work with you, believe me I do. But, having you around takes my mind off of work. You’re all I can think about.”

“Really?” Her voice raises pitch ever so slightly. Those big eyes of her question my sincerity.

“Really.” I say and hesitantly move toward her. “I don’t want to risk losing your talent here and I really don’t want to risk you walking out of here and me never seeing you again.”

Hope lets me take her by the hands. She licks her lips and looks me dead in my eyes sending an electric jolt of white hot lightning straight into my cock. “Rex, I feel the same way about you. I just didn’t want to screw up my chances by getting involved with my boss.”

“Smart woman.” I say and run my finger along the silky smooth length of her jawline. “How do you feel now?”

“Now?” She says, leaning into my touch. “I’m turned on.” I take her hand and place it directly onto my rock hard cock.

“You’re not alone.” A small groan escapes her mouth. “I want you, Hope. I want you right here and now.”

Her nipples poke through the thin silk of her blouse. Slowly, I do the thing I’ve been waiting for since the first day she came in for the interview. I unbutton her blouse, taking my time, enjoying the glorious sight of her soft, round breasts through her ivory lace bra. They nearly take my breath away. “You’re tits are gorgeous,” I say, running my hand around her rib cage. “Just like I knew they’d be.”

Her blouse falls to the ground, and I reach around and unhook the clasp, letting those gorgeous gigantic breasts of hers fall against her body. I nearly come on the spot. This woman’s body is pure art. Her chest heaves as I take in every inch of her naked torso. In a flash my mouth is pressed against hers. Her hand moves up my back, then onto my neck before taking fistfuls of my hair in her hands. She pulls me so close, kisses me with such ferocity that it’s hard to tell where her lips begin and mine end, tasting her mouth with every inch of my tongue.

Tags: Flora Madison Billionaire Romance