Page 9 of Her Bully Boss

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Five Years Later:

“It’s strange,how for years, I couldn’t see how my loneliness affected other people. With my wife, Ainsley’s help, I’ve been able to turn my life around and embrace myself and all of the crazy emotions that I’m no longer afraid to confront.” I give a curt nod and look up at the audience. They break into applause, and a sense of relief washes over me. I narrow my eyes, and in the back of the room, see Ainsley clapping along with the rest. It brings an instant smile to my face.

I head off-stage at the leadership conference and head backstage, shaking hands with the other speakers and making small talk as they lead me to the Green Room, where Ainsley is meeting me.

A few years of therapy has done a world of good, and not just for me. Ainsley thought she should talk to someone too so that we could support each other. She’s been the brightest, shiniest star in my life.

“There he is!” She waltzes through the door and straight into my arms. “The man of the hour.”

“One of the men of the hour,” I reply and press a gentle kiss on her lips.

“Don’t sell yourself short, babe. I’m proud of you.”

Those words never get old. We had a rough go of it. Ainsley said that sometimes it was like pulling teeth to get me to tell her how I was truly feeling. In the end, it was worth it. She agreed to be my wife, and now we have two little ones as well. It’s a testament to not being able to keep my hands off of her. She’s the most loving, understanding, and drop-dead gorgeous full-time mom I’ve ever seen.

“You know,” she wraps her arms around me and leans closer, whispering in my ear. “Seeing you up at the podium like that makes me so hot.”

“Oh really?”


“Well, I happen to have a hotel room nearby.” I press my hardness up against her. I can’t resist this woman, even after all of this time. “If you’re interested.”

“Oh, I am.”

“I have to sign off on some paperwork, but then we’re outta here.”

“Let me grab the coats from the coat check.” She nibbles on my neck, and I can’t get out of here quickly enough; I can taste her already.

I watch her full hips sway as she heads out the door. I click my pen and sign the form for payment near the food table. This is all because of Ainsley. I’d still be a resentful prick if it weren’t for her ability to call me out, to not give up on me when she should’ve run for the hills. She’s my absolute hero, and I love her more and more each day.

We hop in the car and head to the hotel, barely able to keep our hands off of each other the whole way. We make love as a storm brews outside. The echo of raindrops plinks against the window. As always, I hold her close afterward.

“What’s on your mind?” She asks, knowing that my silence means I’m in deep thought.

“Thank you.” I say.

Her warm brown eyes meet mine. “What for?”

For saving me. For making me the man that I am today. “For everything,” I say and press a soft kiss onto her lips. She nestles into my arms, and we both fall asleep.

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