Page 68 of Libra

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The sight of her stopped him in his tracks. Kneeling on the bed, her head lifted high, her hands resting on her spread knees, she was the picture of grace and submission. Not the kind of submission that was granted without question, but the kind that was hard won and easily lost.

It was, he’d discovered, his favorite kind.

“You’re incredible, you know that, Ace?”

“Yeah?” She smiled, the smile of a woman who knew she was beautiful and enjoyed the effect it had on men. “Are you just going to stand there and gawk or are you going to do something about it?”

He was across the room in three long strides, but he didn’t touch her, although his palm positively itched to spank some manners into her. There were other ways to earn a woman’s surrender, and tonight he had other plans for her sweet, gorgeous ass.

“Eyes closed,” he instructed as he placed his selection of toys on the bed.

Her gaze dropped to the bed, which he corrected with a quick, sharp twist of her nipple that made her yelp and jerk her head back up, fire burning in her eyes.

“That hurt!”

“Consider it a lesson in obedience,” he said, allowing himself a satisfied smirk. “After all, if you can’t obey your Daddy, what chance do the poor guards have?”

Pouting, she shot him a final glare before closing her eyes as instructed. “This is different,” she mumbled.

“Is it?” Picking up the long, silken blind fold, he settled it over her eyes, blocking out as much of her sight as possible.

“Yes. It’s not like I’m going to get shot breaking the rules in some kinky game.”

The reminder of how close they’d come to exactly that knocked the air from his lungs. He gave himself a minute, gathering his composure as he tied the blindfold in place.

“Hmmm. I see your point. Still,” he let the single word hang as he picked up a set of silver clamps connected by a chain, “this seems like a perfect time to work on your listening skills.”

“What does that mean?” Her head turned slightly as he shifted, obviously trying to follow the sound of his movements.

“It means, if you are a good girl and follow all of my commands without question or sass, you will be allowed to come. If not, I’ll gag you, fuck you, and then you’ll go to bed with a wet, needy little cunt and your hands tied to the bed so you can’t get yourself off in the middle of the night.”

“That’s so mean!”

“Perhaps. But if you’re a good girl, I can promise you will enjoy every second of what I have planned tonight. Do you trust me, Mina?”

“Of course.”

The words came quickly, easily. Because, despite everything, despite how close he’d come to losingher,he somehow hadn’t lost her trust.

It was humbling.

“Then trust me to take care of you. All you have to do tonight is follow my instructions. No thinking, no worrying, just obeying. Sound good?”

“It…does, actually.” Surprise colored her tone. “But my brain is pretty noisy. Especially tonight.”

“I know, baby. That’s why I want you to let me take care of you. Are you going to be a good girl for me, Mina?”

She paused, and he could practically hear her weighing the options in her mind before she gave a small, hesitant nod.

“Yes, Daddy. I’ll be your good girl tonight.”


With the blindfold blocking out the light, it felt like all her other senses were on high alert. Every movement he made, she zeroed in on the sound and the feel of him working around her.

And it wasaroundher, much to her growing annoyance. Other than the quick nipple twist he’d given her, he’d barely touched her. Every second that passed without his hands on her drove the anticipation higher and higher until she felt like she might burst.

Just as she was about to break down and start demanding answers, he cupped her breasts in both of his hands, kneading the nipples into stiff points and drawing small, pitiful whimpers from her. Already, her pussy was dripping, eager for him to fill her, to fuck her the way she craved.

Tags: Stella Moore Romance