Page 17 of Libra

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Tilting his head back slightly, he sent her a look that was pure, unadulterated authority. “Not a single drop, Mina. I mean it.”

And then he went back to tasting her, his tongue teasing her swollen, throbbing clit. Just the barest little flick of pressure, nowhere near what she craved. Frustration built with every too-gentle touch, until she was ready to weep from it.

He’d barely laid a hand on her, but she couldn't deny she felt well and truly punished in that moment. If this was what came from ignoring his warnings, she would be the best-behaved girl he’d ever had in his bed.

“Please,” she whispered, her hands trembling slightly when he sucked gently on her clit. “I can’t hold them much longer.”

A melodic sound reached her ears, and he rocked back on his heels, pulling his phone from his pocket to hit a button. When had he set an alarm?

“You can put the glasses down now, baby.”

“Oh, thank all the gods.” Lowering her arms, she handed him the glasses and he returned them to the table. Despite spending a fair amount of her time in the gym, her muscles were screaming at her from having to hold one position for so long.

From his position at her feet, he should have looked like the submissive one. But the power practically oozed off of him, even then. “Are you going to smack me again, Mina?”

“Fuck no. I’m not stupid.”

“Good girl. Hold on while Daddy enjoys his dessert.”

It was all the warning she had before his mouth was on her again. Only there were no slow, teasing licks this time. Where before he’d been sampling her, now, hefeasted.

Gripping his shoulders, she let her head fall back as sensation overwhelmed her. And if her arms twinged with every movement, it was only a reminder that she’d been punished, and those reminders only fed her desire.

Stars exploded behind her eyes as pleasure flooded her, electric waves of it setting her nerve endings ablaze as he continued to lap at her pussy, apparently intent on drinking every last drop of her arousal.

As the haze cleared from her mind, she smiled, lifting her head to look down at him. “Sothat’sthe secret.”

Sitting back on his haunches, he raised an eyebrow. With his stubble glistening with her juices, he should have looked ridiculous. Instead, he looked really fucking hot. “What secret is that?”

“The secret reason you’ve left a trail of broken hearts through the city. I thought it was just your personality. ‘Cause you’re a big ole flirt, you know? But no.” Her smile spread into a grin. “Cyrus Banks eats pussy like it’s his last fucking meal. That’s the secret.”

“Oh, Ace. I promise you, that was only the tip of the iceberg.”


Watching Mina’s eyes go wide with surprise thrilled him on a deep, almost primal level. Filled him with a need to show her everything she’d been missing out on until she was full of him. He wanted her every waking thought to be of him, and the pleasure he could give her.

Because the urge was so strong, he pulled back. As much as he’d enjoyed all of his previous bed companions, he’d never felt quite like this about any of them.

And that was dangerous territory.

Rising to his feet, he slid his hands in her hair, pulling her close for a long, slow kiss. Unlike before, she didn’t spar with him, she simply melted into the embrace. Soft, sweet, submissive. He recognized it for the rare gift it was, and it rocked him to his core.

“We should finish our dinner,” he murmured against her lips.

Her eyes slowly opened, then blinked owlishly. “Dinner?”

“Yes, dinner. The meal customarily consumed during the evening hours?”

“I know what dinner is, smartass.”

Reaching down, he gave her bare cheek a hard pinch that had her yelping and jerking out of his arms. “Hey! What was that for?”

“Name calling. Good little girls don’t call their Daddies rude names.”

Even as he spoke the words, he felt a twinge of guilt at calling himself her Daddy. He wasaDaddy, yes, and that was very much how he played. But beingherDaddy was a whole different level of commitment and responsibility. The fact that she didn’t seem to know or care about the difference did little to ease his conscience.

Pouting, she rubbed at the spot he’d just pinched. “You’d think I’d get some kind of warning first.”

Tags: Stella Moore Romance