Page 21 of Judging Julia

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“Stay still, babygirl, or you won’t get your reward.”

“But, Daddy!” More whining, more whimpering, but she couldn’t find it in her to be embarrassed by it. “It’s too hard!”

“That’s what she said.”

The asshole had the nerve to be cracking jokes with her splayed out on a table like some pagan feast? But before she could give voice to her outrage, his mouth was on her again, and all she knew was the feel of his tongue on her clit, driving her closer and closer to heaven.

As he worked her with his tongue and those wickedly clever fingers, his title fell from her lips like a desperate prayer. Until she was stripped even of her ability to form that single word, able to provide nothing but mewls and cries of needy pleasure.

And then she was flying, her blood on fire and every inch of her body alive with the pleasure he was still lavishing upon her.

“You’re so pretty when you come, babygirl.”

“Mmmm.” It was all she could seem to manage in that moment, and it earned her a chuckle as he stood and pulled her up to a sitting position.

“Come on, little one. Let’s get you cleaned up.” Scooping her up in his arms, he headed for the stairs.

“Sleepy,” she protested with a wide yawn, looping her arms around his neck and letting her head fall to his shoulder.

“Sticky,” he countered with another rumbling laugh. “Just a quick bath and then you can go to bed, babygirl.”

“Mmmm. Okay, Daddy.”

Tags: Stella Moore Romance