Page 72 of Worthy

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“Why are you scared?”

Apparently all out of fight, she sighed. “I’m scared that once you’re better and you don’t need me as much, you’ll realize you don’t really love me.”

“If that’s really what you think, you’re an idiot.”

Jerking away from his hold, she glared up at him. “I am not an idiot. You’re just, just…” Trailing off, she waved her hands at him. “You’re hurt and you’re scared and life as you know it is changing and you need something to cling to. And I’m fine being that thing, but I can’t pretend it’s ever going to be anything permanent or… more, I guess.”

“You think I said I love you because I’m injured and you’re taking care of me?”

“Well. Yes.”

“You really think I would say those words without meaning it? Goddammit, Kit.”

She at least had the grace to look sheepish this time. “I think you think you mean it.”

“I swear to God, as soon as my leg heals, I’m going to whip your ass. You won’t sit for a week by the time I’m done with you.”

“That’s not fair!”

“No, what’s not fair is you just deciding you know best and that I’m too stupid to even know when I love someone.”

“I never said you were stupid.”

“No, but you sure as hell implied it.” He lifted a hand when she sputtered out a protest, cutting her off. “You want to know how I know I’m in love with you?”

She hesitated, but her curiosity eventually won out. “How?”

“That morning, when you offered to make me coffee? I was going to fight you on it, but then you smiled at me.”

“You know you love me because I smiled at you?” Skepticism dripped from her tone.

“I know I love you because I realized that even if I never played another game, it would be worth it if I could just see that smile every day. Baby.” Cupping her face with his hands, he brushed his lips over hers. “How could I not be in love with you when my entire fucking world revolves around just seeing you smile?”


“Yeah, kitten. Really.”

“Okay.” Closing her eyes, she blew out a breath. “You really love me. And I love you. What now?”

“Now we get you some relief for your poor little pussy and figure out what we’re eating for dinner. I’m fucking starving.”

With a watery laugh, she pushed to her feet. “Well, if you hadn’t interrupted me with the Spanish Inquisition, we could have eaten already.”

“Didn’t expect that, did you?”

With a roll of her eyes, she reached for her clothes, pausing when he cleared his throat. “Am I allowed to get dressed?”

“Nope. Let’s order something that can be delivered. I’m not done with you yet.”

A sly, purely feminine smile curved her lips upward. “Yes, sir.”

Chapter 23


“Sorry, sorry!” Claudia slid into the booth across from Kit, her blonde hair falling haphazardly out of her ponytail. “I thought getting out the door without the kids would be so much faster, but they had other plans. Tony Jr. spilled an entire cup of juice on my shirt as I was walking out the door. So, I’m late. As always.”

“You’re fine. I just got here myself,” Kit assured her, lifting her coffee to her mouth to hide her grin. “You do, ah, appear to have a cartoon dog stuck to your face.”

Tags: Stella Moore Romance