Page 69 of Worthy

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The question was, what was it? She’d barely left the house for two weeks, other than to run the occasional errand and the trips they’d made together to see the team doctor and the array of specialists the Hawks had arranged for him to see. An affair was out since she spent all her time with him these days.

So, what the hell was going on with her?

Before the injury, he would have just hauled her into the bedroom and tortured the truth out of her. His cock hardened at the thought of her tied to his bed, her ass red and welted from his belt, crying and begging as he forced orgasm after orgasm on her.

But thanks to his knee, that whole scenario was out. Standing for more than a few minutes was excruciating and he was fairly sure what he wanted to do fell under the “rigorous activity” the doctor had warned against at his last checkup.

That didn’t necessarily mean he was out of options, though. He let the plan form in his mind as he waited for her to finish for the day. When he heard the telltalesnickof her laptop closing, he pushed himself up straighter and waited for her to join him in the living room.

“What do you want for dinner? I’m a little tired of—”

“Strip,” he ordered, cutting her off. Dinner could wait. He was getting to the bottom of whatever she was hiding from him, tonight.

Her eyes narrowed and for a moment, he just knew she was going to argue with him. But something changed in her and he could swear he saw a flash of guilt in her eyes before she nodded. “Yes, sir.”

Fuck. Maybe she was having an affair. Or maybe she was thinking of leaving him now that he couldn’t play ball.

Pushing those thoughts to the side, he focused on her as she slowly popped open the buttons on her shirt. It amused him to no end that she insisted on getting dressed, even down to her sexy high heels, when she was working from home.

Not that he was complaining. She favored pencil skirts most days, the kind that hugged her curves in a way that made him want to bend her over the nearest piece of furniture and fuck her senseless.

She was wearing such a skirt today, and his cock strained against the thick material of his gray sweats as she wiggled the material down over her hips.

When she was fully naked, her clothes in a neat pile on the armchair to his left, he waved a hand toward the bedroom. “Go get my play bag.”

“Why do you need your bag? Sir,” she added hastily when he gave her a hard look.

“Do you need to know why, little girl?”

Her irritation was written all over her face, but she turned on her heel and stomped toward the bedroom. It never failed to amuse him how much she hated being denied an explanation when he gave her an order. The order itself didn’t bother her, she just wanted to knowwhy. Forcing her to follow through, without providing the reason, was one of his favorite forms of torture.

Returning a few minutes later with the large black duffel he kept ready for nights at the club, she dropped it on the ground in front of him. Though she kept her arms at her side, everything about her stance screamed defiance.

“Legs apart, hands behind your head.”

With a small huff, she obeyed, and he leaned down to unzip the bag. When he found what he wanted, he pulled the slender pink tube from the bag and held it out to her. “Turn this on and place it on your clit. But do not come until I tell you.”

Excitement sparkled in her eyes as she took the vibrator. No doubt she thought she was being rewarded.

Poor, naive little kitten.

Flipping the vibrator on, she ran it between her already glistening pussy lips. He let her play for awhile, until her breaths grew ragged, and her eyes had drifted closed with pleasure.


The vibrator switched off and her bottom lip pushed out into a pout, but she didn’t argue.

“We need to have a talk, kitten.”

Her brows drew together in obvious confusion. “A talk, sir?”

“Yes. How do I feel about lying, little girl?”

“You don’t like it.” The furrow between her brows deepened. “But I haven’t lied about anything.”

“Turn it back on.”

With far more reluctance this time, she switched it on again. She fought it, at first, and fuck if he didn’t enjoy the way her jaw clenched with frustration until she finally gave herself over to it.

Tags: Stella Moore Romance