Page 55 of Worthy

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Since she couldn’t argue, she settled for rolling her eyes and hooking her fingers in her panties. As slowly as she dared, she pushed them down over her hips until they pooled around her heels. Austin bent and picked them up, and she felt her face flame even hotter when he pressed the fabric to his nose and inhaled.

“I fucking love the way you smell.” Tucking the discarded panties into the pocket of his pants, he sent her a cool, wicked smile. “Hands on your head, kitten. And leave them there until I get back.”

“Back? Where are you going?”

“To the bar. I told you I was going to get a drink.”

“You can’t leave me here!”

“Why not?” There was steel in his voice again, demanding an answer.

Shame coated her stomach, and she felt her bottom lip tremble. “I’m scared.”

“Oh, kitten.” His voice dropped, losing some of its hard edge. “What do you say if you need me to slow down?”

“Um, yellow?”

“Good girl. Are you yellow?”

“A little, sir,” she admitted reluctantly, dropping her head to avoid the disappointment she knew she'd find in his eyes.

Moving to stand in front of her, he cupped her face in both of his hands, tilting her face up. “Eyes on me, kitten.”

She forced her eyes open, her knees going weak with relief when she found only understanding in his gaze. “I’m sorry.”

“Don’t apologize for using your safe word. Ever. Now, take a deep breath for me. Good girl,” he crooned quietly as she dragged air in through her nose and pushed it out through her mouth. “Now, why are you scared?”

“I don’t really know.” Pleading filled her voice, though at this point she was beginning to suspect it wouldn't help. “I’ll wear the corset. And the skirt. I’ll wear whatever you want. Just please don’t leave me here like this.”

“I told you that you’d beg,” he murmured, amusement coloring his tone. “Do you trust me, kitten?”

“I’m trying, sir,” she whispered.

“I know. And I’m very proud of you for it. I promise I won't go far and you will never be out of my sight. Okay?”

Some of the panic ebbed. If he could see her, then he couldn’t be too far away, right? Taking a deep breath, she nodded and lifted her hands to link her fingers behind her head.

“Good girl.”

The praise slid through her, warming her, easing the tension in her arms and legs.

But then he stepped away, and she felt the loss of him down to her bones. Anxiety and fear crept back in, twisting her stomach into knots and shortening her breaths. Could everyone see her? The alcove offered some privacy, but not much. And if they could, were they laughing at her? Picking out all of her flaws and whispering about how much better Austin could do than a fat, disobedient sub?

Maybe. But Austin didn’t want anyone else. He wanted her. Amongst a sea of rich, beautiful women, he’d chosen her. She focused on that single fact until her breathing returned to normal.

“Good girl.” Austin’s low growl behind her made her jump, but she kept her position.

“This is her?”

At the sound of a stranger’s voice, she whipped her head to the side to meet Austin’s proud gaze. “Yeah. Isn’t she lovely?”

“She is.” A tall, almost obscenely muscular man stepped in front of her, kind eyes searching her face for… well, she wasn’t sure what, but he apparently found it, as he gave her a small nod of what she took for approval.

“On your knees, kitten. Show Master Terrance what a good girl you can be.”

“Yes, sir,” she whispered before sliding to her knees in front of them, her gaze focused on a spot on the floor between their feet.

“Good girl. You might just earn yourself a reward after we’re done with your punishment if you keep this up.”

Tags: Stella Moore Romance