Page 53 of Worthy

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“I’m not. I’m, um, here as a guest. Sir? Am I supposed to call you that? I don’t really know…”

“Calm down, kitten.” Stepping forward, Austin slid a steadying arm around her waist and her nervousness eased at his touch. “I’m Austin. Kit’s here as my guest for the evening.”

“Nice to meet you. I’m Kawan, and this is my babygirl, Melody.”

The petite brunette to Kawan’s right grinned and gave a little wave. Melody was definitely not overdressed. Her cute, curvy figure was barely concealed behind a pink, see-through teddy. The pastel colors and the ruffles at the bottom gave the outfit an air of innocence most of the other ‘outfits’ in the room lacked.

“It’s lovely to meet you, Melody. Kawan talks about you often.”

Melody’s brow wrinkled and Kit felt her cheeks heat at the sudden glint in the other woman’s eyes. “During our meetings. In my office. I’m Mr. Park’s financial planner.”

“Oh!” Melody’s expression smoothed out again and she grinned. “That’s where I know your name from. Daddy’s mentioned you a few times.”

It took every ounce of willpower Kit had to not react to the cute, bubbly brunette referring to the prim and proper Mr. Park asDaddy. She’d read some books with Daddy kinks, so she wasn’t a complete stranger to the concept. It just wasn’t something she’d ever expected to hear someone say so… openly.

“It was nice to meet you both,” Austin interjected smoothly. “But Kit and I have something to discuss, and I have a feeling she’d rather have this conversation in private.”

At the look of surprise—and was that a hint of approval?—on Kawan’s face, she wished the floor would open up and swallow her whole. “Yes, we should go. I’ll, ah, see you soon, Mr. Park. Melody, it was nice to meet you.”

“Enjoy your evening,” Kawan called after them as Austin led her away.

“Did you have to embarrass me like that?” she demanded, dropping her voice to a low hiss.

“How did I embarrass you, kitten?”

“You practically announced to them that you’re going to punish me!”


“Mr. Park is a client! How am I supposed to ever look him in the eye again? How is he ever supposed to respect me after this?”

They’d stopped in front of one of the semi-private alcoves along the wall. “Sit.” With a hand at the small of her back, Austin urged her into the alcove.

Dropping onto the couch, Kit buried her face in her hands. “I’m sorry. I can’t do this, Austin.”

“Hey. Look at me, baby.”

Reluctantly lifting her head, she met his ice-blue eyes and nearly wept with relief at the understanding she found in them. “Sir?”

“There’s my pretty kitten. Breathe for me, baby. Deep breaths, until you stop feeling like you’re going to puke all over this very nice carpet.”

A laugh burst out of her, and she tried to pretend she didn’t notice the people throwing curious glances their way. “It is nice,” she conceded, pulling in a deep breath and holding it for a few seconds before slowly letting it out again.

“Good girl. Feel better?”

“Yes, sir. Sorry.”

“No need to apologize. But we do need to talk about what happened.”

“Could we not?” Moaning softly, she dropped her head back into her hands.

“Eyes up here, little girl.”

Steel replaced the gentle understanding in his voice and, she discovered when she raised her head again, his eyes. It seemed like it should have pissed her off for him to be so stern when she was on the verge of a nervous breakdown, but her stomach instantly settled. It was as though he’d commanded all of her attention, not leaving her any room for the freakout she’d been trying to have.


“Your eyes are on me until I give you permission to look away. Do you understand?”

Tags: Stella Moore Romance